Shares the Joy
I wish to commend Jim Chase on his CV Weekly article “Summer Job or Summer School?” [My Thoughts Exactly, Aug. 4]. I find it hard to express how proud I am of his son. As an 18-year-old teen, I gave my heart to Jesus at a youth camp in Colorado.

I am 75 years old, and I shall not forget that “moment in time.” Later, following graduation from college and seminary, I became a camp director in Washington state seeking to carry out what his son is about.

I’m sure he and his wife are most pleased with the witness of this young man.
Ken Grissom

Brought Back Memories
Jim Chase wrote an excellent article where he shared with his audience about his family. This time, his son’s experiences at Hume Lake [“Summer Job or Summer School?”, My Thoughts Exactly, Aug. 4]. I can remember when I was counselor for two successive years of high school camp in the ’70s and what a wonderful Christian atmosphere to be in for seven straight days let alone what his son has experienced this summer.
It brought back memories!
Ron Klint
La Crescenta

Note of Thanks
I want to publicly thank those businesses, the Glendale Police and Fire departments, as well as the all of the neighbors that contributed to National Night Out (NNO) on Tuesday night [Aug. 2] here in the La Crescenta and Glendale areas.

I am part of the Sycamore Woods Neighborhood Watch group and we had a very successful event. I am a block captain for our street and I have observed that being a part of Neighborhood Watch is a very positive and effective way to be more in touch with my neighbors and community. I know more what is happening around me and feel that it is important for neighbors to be in touch with each other and help one another whenever the need arises.  It is statistically proven that crime rates are lower in neighborhoods that are involved in this program.

This year we had more business involvement in NNO and I would like to acknowledge the following businesses for their individual contributions to our event: Twelve Oaks Lodge, Crescenta Valley Water District, Trader Joes (La Crescenta), Monique Cassis Fitness & Nutrition, Kerns Drinks and Sammy’s Camera.

If I have left anyone out I apologize. Businesses are a very important part of the community and should be supported as well as provide support; working together is mutually beneficial, bringing about a closer knit and more prosperous community. Thanks again to you all!
Trissie Badger
Glendale 91208