On Wednesday, Oct. 5 a man impersonating a Glendale Water & Power employee knocked on a resident’s door in the 1400 block of E. Wilson stating he was there to check on the quality of the water inside the home. The customer allowed this individual to enter. The customer asked for his ID, but he stated it was in the car. The GWP impersonator went into the kitchen and turned on the faucet stating that because of recent rain there was a water quality issue and asked the customer to remain in the kitchen and look at the faucet for five minutes then turn it off while he went outside to check on things. After five minutes the customer realized the man had left her residence. Shortly after, the customer noticed that items from her home were missing.
Glendale Water & Power reminds customers that GWP never goes inside a customer’s home to check on water quality. Water quality staff also never makes unscheduled water quality testing visits. If water needs to be tested, GWP will notify the resident of the visit and will conduct a water test on the outside of the home at the hose bib. If at any time customers are concerned about GWP procedures, they are encouraged to call the GWP customer service department at (818) 548-3300. If any suspicious activity is seen near a residence or residents are contacted by someone collecting money or impersonating City personnel, Glendale Police Department should be notified immediately by calling (818) 548-4911. Always look for a GWP vehicle with prominent logos and ask for GWP identification. GWP field crews are also always wearing GWP uniforms.
Below are GWP procedures for meter readers, home survey staff, and water testers, GWP ground crews, and the number to call to report suspicious persons near a residence:
- Meter Readers – GWP has scheduled routes for meter reading. The majority of meters are located outside the home on the side of the house. On very few occasions meter readers grant access to go into a house only if the meter is located inside the house and they have asked permission from the homeowner. Meter readers at times have to enter the backyard to access meters. Meters are never read on weekends. Meter readers wear GWP green uniforms and carry a GWP identification badge at all times.
- Water Quality Staff – GWP water quality staff never perform unscheduled water quality testing at residences unless the customer initiates contact and requests that water be tested. At that point, GWP water quality staff always test the water at the hose bib outside the customer’s home and never ask to go inside to test the water or flush out water. The outside test is sufficient. If a customer insists on tap water being tested inside the home, they may ask GWP staff to go inside, but it is not necessary. Water quality staff also tests Glendale’s water quality regularly by flushing hydrants and valves on the sidewalks, at reservoirs and at water storage facilities.
- GWP Electric or Water Crews – These crews continuously work in neighborhoods to upgrade the GWP infrastructure. Employees are always wearing their GWP badges and use City issued vehicles that are white with the GWP logo on the side of the vehicle. If necessary to do repair work near a home, a GWP staff member might knock on the door to ask a resident if their power or water has been affected. Residents can ask to see the GWP employee’s badge at this time or call the GWP office for more information.
When seeing GWP staff near residential properties, customers need to look for:
- Proper City and GWP identification. GWP staff always carries GWP/City badges with their picture and name on it. Always look for a GWP vehicle outside or in the driveway. GWP never uses private vehicles for house or service calls. If there is a special circumstance where GWP staff will be in the area performing work, the customer will always be notified through letters or door hangers one week to three days prior to the work, and provide a phone number to the appropriate department.
- GWP provides a free in-home survey through a company called KEMA, Inc. – This is a customer-initiated service and GWP customers are well aware of the date of the survey and how many surveyors will be at the customer’s home conducting the survey. The customer is also called the day before the survey to be reminded of their appointment. KEMA surveyors always carry KEMA and GWP badges. Their vehicle is labeled with the KEMA logo.
If customers see suspicious activities or are unsure if City staff is checking their meter, they may call GWP customer service at (818) 548-3300. On weekends and for emergencies, GWP can be reached on the emergency line at (818) 548-2011.