No Problem with Starbucks
I am mystified why people would be against Starbucks in the Montrose Shopping Area.

It is my understanding this company is something of the American Dream story – a man who took a chance on an idea and was successful.

I am seeing articles opining against Starbucks in Montrose at the same time I see praise and endorsement for Leon, which isn’t in Montrose.

It is confusing.

Jean Lomasto
La Crescenta

Public Invited to Banquet that Recognizes Excellence
The Annual Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce Recognition Banquet will take place on Thursday, Oct. 27. We invite the community to attend, as we would like to tell you more about these most deserving recipients.

As Woman of the Year, Camille Levee has been involved in non-profit agencies for over 30 years, enhancing women’s and children’s lives. Camille is the CEO for Glendale Healthy Kids, an organization providing health services to low income underinsured children.

Our Man of the Year, Neil Ryan totes a paintbrush in his truck to wipe out graffiti, sponsors and works with kids in sports and has even volunteered as an elementary school noon-aid.  Neil has always found the time to help out.

The Business of the Year is Allied Waste Systems, and well deserved. They were called on for the Station Fire, and the floods resulting from those fires. Bin after bin of donated sand for bagging was delivered to Two Strike Park, assisting many residents in the flood areas.

Educator of the Year is CVHS Music director Mathew Schick. Mat is an inspiration to his students and goes beyond the normal school hours for rehearsals and events. Under his leadership CVHS won the Music Center’s BRAVO Award, among many other awards.

Organization of the Year is Crescenta Valley C.E.RT. CERT is known for keeping the community better prepared for disasters by providing continuous training for emergency situations. The course is designed to help you protect yourself, family and neighbors.

Our outstanding Student of the Year is Molly Shelton, an extraordinary student at CVHS with exceptional spirit. She is instrumental with Prom Plus, school clubs and organizations, and the newly formed teen Firehouse. Molly is an inspiration to many.

Volunteer of the Year is Roger Young. Having lived through prior fires, Roger elected to create the CV Fire Safe Council, an organization to help prepare residents with information before and during emergencies.

Our Law Enforcement and Fire recipients are selected by their departments.

CHP: Officer Ming-Yang Hsu. PIO Officer Hsu’s dedication and commitment to the Crescenta Valley has made a positive impact on the lives of all who live and work here.

LASD: Deputy Marcelo Ruiz of the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station was informed of the award three days before he skillfully responded to a vehicle and driver that lost her brakes for several blocks.

GPD Officer Sue Shine-Carter has been with the department for more than 16 years. Among her many duties, she coordinates and provides leadership for the S.T.A.R. Youth Program, working directly with the youth of the community.

GPD Officer Mario Yagoda is a 27 year veteran with the Glendale Police Department.  Among his many tasks, he has also been awarded the Volunteer of the Year by the Glendale Association for the Retarded.

LACoFD: The firefighters of La Crescenta Station #63 will be recognized for their hard work during the past two years from the Station Fire, followed by mud and debris emergencies, as well as their involvement with the community.

Additional information on the banquet can be found at www.lacrescenta.org.

Jean Maluccio
La Crescenta

Like He Was There
I have thoroughly enjoyed the three weeks of Jim Chase’s column [My Thoughts, Exactly] about his Mt. Whitney climb!

It seemed like I was with him and his wife. The description of what he beheld was very inspiring to me. Thank you!
Pastor Ken Grissom
La Crescenta

Walgreens and Alcohol – Not a Good Mix
Crescenta Valley has approximately 110 alcohol dispensaries open for business. [The Crescenta Valley Town Council] Land Use Committee meets tonight [and] one of the very important items on the agenda is the application for Walgreens to obtain a liquor license.

I personally oppose [this], and hope you do, too.

As a weekly volunteer at the Firehouse, a Prom Plus volunteer and a member of the CV Drug & Alcohol Awareness Prevention Coalition, we work steadfast to provide safe places, education and alternative recreational activities for our CV student bodies. These groups provide alternatives to partying, drinking, drugs, risky behavior and other mischief. Our young people ask for these activities, they look forward to it, and they do a great deal of the planning. Drop by the Firehouse any time and see how much they’re loving it!

On any given Tuesday (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or Tuesday a.m. (7:15 – 8:30) you will find at least 35 students doing their homework together, playing pool, video games or making new friends.

When Walgreens opened, they told the CV Chamber that they would not sell alcohol (it wasn’t a corporate product). That has changed. Corporate Walgreens now sells alcohol, so now they’re asking for a license to sell in La Crescenta! With 110 places to purchase alcohol already, do we need more?

Dozens of school students patronize Walgreens during lunch break, after school, and on weekends, and the student body generates approximately $1,000/day in sales for Walgreens. That’s a lot of student bodies!

Having alcohol available in a minimally staffed store is risky business and a great liability. Sadly have you ever noticed the void of staff in the store until you get halfway through?

I’m sure the Walgreens representative will respond to the opposition that, “Walgreens expects little revenue from anticipated alcohol sales, so it won’t be that big of an impact to the community.” Then why bother unless they intend to capitalize on alcohol sales and compete with Rite-Aid or CVS?

I foresee the process to be like this: Walgreens will begin by initially selling beer and wine with limited hours. Next year, they will apply for a new C.U.P. requesting expanded hours and increase the product base to hard liquor. Was this the game plan from the get go? They’ve been in business for more than a year now.

Have you ever been in line in one of these stores with someone behind you [who] reeks like booze and has another bottle in their hand ready to check out? Did you notice the nervousness on the clerks face as they didn’t know how to decline the sale… so they shamefully took the money…and you watched the person climb into their car and take to the road while you’re thinking, “Please don’t hit anyone?”

Don’t misunderstand me, I love our local Walgreens, it’s convenient and friendly. But collectively, let’s think practically and ask Walgreens to uphold their commitment to not sell alcohol. Most importantly – stand up and show your support for our youth. They look to us for support!

See you at tonight’s Land Use Meeting at CV Library, Community Room at 6:30 p.m.

Kim Mattersteig
La Crescenta

A Plea to Fellow Drivers
Dear drivers of the streets of Glendale and The Crescenta Valley,

My soon-to-be 17-year-old daughter will be getting her driver’s license next month and I would like to ask you to remember what you learned in driving school: defensive driving and courtesy.

I have been paying more attention to the way I drive as an example and to the way others drive to help her prepare.

I am aghast at the sense of entitlement in the world!

Three times I have come to an intersection and stopped due to a pedestrian or siren and was honked at as if the driver behind me knew the traffic situation better than I did! And not a pay-attention tap, but a lean-on-the-horn-repeatedly impatience! My daughter stopped for a pedestrian and actually had a truck pull around her and race through the intersection.

And to the pedestrians of our fair city: Please pay attention! If you see the white reverse lights lit on a car and it is running don’t cross toward the vehicle or be surprised if it begins backing up. Sometimes in my best efforts I have not seen a pedestrian on their way and they continue to walk and get upset while I’m looking behind, in front and along side my car as I pull out. The reality is you may have right-of-way, but you will lose!

I realize other drivers are becoming more aggressive – like accelerating once they see you signal a move into their lane – and you may feel the only way you can get around is to respond in kind. But it only makes everyone more uptight and drive worse. It makes road conditions more unpredictable and more dangerous.

We’re doing what we can to make ourselves safer. Please consider doing the same.
Thank you,

Joanna Linkchorst
La Crescenta

Shares His Traveling Memories
Robin Goldsworthy’s excellent article

[From the Desk of the Publisher, “Trials of Traveling,” Oct. 6] reminds me of the time when the seats in coach were much wider. On a narrow body plane (B727, B707) it was configured two and three across the aisle instead of the three and three on today’s narrow body airplanes.

I remember on a B747 in first class they actually carved a standing rib roast in front of the passenger with a real carving knife.

As an employee of the airline, one of the perks was that I got to fly free anywhere on the airline’s route. But I was required to always wear a coat and tie on the airplane. On another airline, I think I had to pay a nominal fee. I still had to wear a coat and tie because I represented the airline.

Sometimes I was able to sit on the jump in the cockpit as we flew. I remember having a great time in the cockpit talking to the pilots as we flew from LAX to San Jose to San Francisco and all of the other airports up to Seattle. I think they called it the milk run.

At the rear of the wide-bodied airplanes (DC10, B747), there was a lounge area for the coach passengers. As I recall, there was a bar with a bartender and a huge semi-circular couch.

The bad times, such as working graveyard shift with Tuesday and Wednesday off or changing engines and tires and brakes at 2 a.m., sort of fades into the background.

[I remember, too] the rain going sideways across the ramp because of the wind. No matter where I stood under a wing, the water always managed to drip down my back. At around 4 a.m., the only thing I’m looking for is a warm spot somewhere.

Paul Liu