Letters to the Editor


I attended the presentation sponsored by the Historical Society showcasing the Flood of 1978. It amazed me how much damage and loss occurred. I came home and tried to share the information the best I could with my family, but I found myself pacing, trying to convey and emphasize the unimaginable devastation. I wasn’t able to impress and share what I had seen, heard and felt from that meeting. You had to be there to really get it!

Are we complacent and kicking back in our easy chairs after the recent rain?  My understanding is that was “fluff” compared to what we’re expecting. As Chris Stone, assistant deputy director DPW, emphasized, our debris basins were not built to hold the expected capacity and debris flow. His presentation was a pleasant surprise and shot of reality. I couldn’t help but notice the deep concern on his face. The DPW employees must be exhausted. I know we are all so grateful for their hard work.

At that Monday’s meeting we were told “94 residents/households have been contacted” to urge cooperation for loss prevention. However, 21+ residents/households remain non responsive. People, if you’ve received notice from the county, please call them back. Chris emphasized particular concern over the Goss Debris inlet at Rosemont. It currently has an 8,000 cubic yard capacity, but should ultimately contain 40,000 cy. Efforts are in place to immediately expand it before the heaviest rains come. Put this in perspective: a dirt hauler holds 10,000 cy, in translation to get to the ultimate goal; it will take 400 trucks full of debris from the Goss Debris inlet at Rosemont to reach that goal.

I’m relieved the room was full for the meeting, however at the same time shocked that such a small representation of CV residents were there. The room should have been bulging with inquisitive residents. We’re getting much better at connecting, but we have to continue to talk to each other; these informative presentations are here for our protection and knowledge. If we don’t take in what’s available we’re establishing our own weaknesses.

During the Station Fire we saw flames and smelled smoke, we had an idea of time. But, as in 1978, a mud slide at 1:30 a.m., pouring rain, darkness, flood raging down the road at 75 mph, 2’-3’ tall carrying tumbling stones? No, thanks!

I would love to see this presentation again. Encore! Please?

Kim Mattersteig

La Crescenta

Editor’s note: Ms. Mattersteig is a

candidate for CV Town Council


While the Council tries to have fun, we work hard and deal with many serious issues.  I believe electing the three new members and the three important alternates is a serious matter that has all too often been overlooked as important.

It was shockingly disrespectful for a pompous audition by candidate Wendy Alane Smith to sing a song as her closing statement at the Council forum. Of course, that is just my opinion. At the Town Council forum Ms. Smith continually insulted our community, talking about how ugly Foothill Boulevard looks. We all know it doesn’t look good and that is why years and years of effort and downright hard work went to draft, draft, and re-draft the Community Standards District for Foothill Boulevard, get it passed, and concurrently construct a beautiful library which is our Town Center. Ms. Smith said at the Council forum that she has lived in town for six years. However, she has only lived in La Crescenta for two years.   Perhaps that is why she did not read the newspapers where the Council efforts on this revitalizing of our boulevard have been written about so much!  She knew nothing of what the Council does or has done.  It was almost frightening!  Her disregard for the Council’s Campaign Code of Conduct which she signed with her application has been the underline, highlight, and exclamation mark on her disregard for this Council. Other candidates were under-informed of the efforts of the Council, and most had not attended Council meetings previously. However, I was once in their shoes and I understand. There comes a point when something just clicks and you realize it is time to step up to the plate. You have to start somewhere. However, being somewhat informed helps. We cannot afford to have the new people be so very unattached to the community.

After years of investing time and energy into this Council and community, my hope is that the people who will win your vote are those who care about the community and not just their own interests. We need those who don’t have their own personal agenda, or business, to promote. We need those who have some time to invest, not to just get their name or mugs in the paper, but to do good work in our community. We need those who aren’t running just because they know a lot of people, but because they have something to offer us. Does your candidate have anything to offer?

Thank you to Robbyn Battles, Dennis van Bremen and Todd Thornbury who seem to be those people. They have invested their time in this community. Please vote for them. You’d be surprised how much of an impact the Town Council can have on your life!

Grace Andrus

La Crescenta


I was very pleased to read Mike Lawler’s column, “Once upon A Time in Montrose” (Oct. 29). He is right when he states the store “is one of those treasures that make Montrose the jewel it is.” Not mentioned in the column is the fact that the store was recently honored at The Character and Ethics Project Community Awards Program. The Project each quarter recognizes individuals, organizations, businesses and schools who exemplify good character. Here is the citation read at the ceremony: “The Once Upon a Time Family Bookstore in Montrose is the oldest children’s bookstore in America and we are so lucky to have it. The store offers a unique combination of superb customer service, fast special order fulfillment and quality books. The store provides excellent story hours for children and book clubs discussions for adults, as well as special literary events. The owner Maureen Palacios and members of her family are always on hand to provide friendly advice and service. The store is a wonderful example of a family owned business dedicated to upholding high standards of character and ethics.”

The Character and Ethics Project is a local community based nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting character building and ethical behavior in home, school, sports, business and government through education and recognition.

Donald Empey, President

The Character and Ethics Project

La Crescenta


The unincorporated portion of La Crescenta has a most important election this week.

On Saturday, Nov. 7 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Rosemont Middle School’s cafeteria, there is an election to determine half the make up of the 2010 Crescenta Valley Town Council.

As most of you know, the Town Council represents the interests of residents and businesses, and works directly with government bodies and agencies to meet the needs of our community. Pretty simple…you elect them to represent your concerns.

This year’s election is no different than previous elections. There are seven candidates; three of the candidates are incumbents and four candidates are new to the process. Each offers a different agenda, a different approach and a few promises of what they are going to accomplish as Council members if you vote for them.

But once you get past the campaign rhetoric, the real question you should ask yourself as a voter is: “What has this incumbent Council member accomplished?” or in the case of a new candidate, “How effective will this person be as a new Council member?”

Having served on the Council for the past five years and as this year’s Council president, I can attest to the importance of electing the most qualified and responsible individuals to represent your interests. But there is a very crucial quality that should be part of each Council member you choose to represent you. And that is a willingness to work the hours upon hours each day, week and month necessary to be a successful Council representative.

The good ones do this.

Each of the seven candidates are to be commended for taking the initiative to run for the position of Town Council representative. It’s not easy taking time away from your family and work to take on a challenging assignment which is strictly volunteer and often filled with criticism. But the reward of doing something each day which betters your community makes it all worthwhile.

Please take the time to vote on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Rosemont Middle School (4725 Rosemont Ave. in La Crescenta). And when voting, please give careful consideration to selecting those candidates who will devote the time and energy our community and Council deserves.

Steve Pierce

President, CV Town Council