Support Groups Available at VHH

As part of the Beginnings Family Birth Center program, Verdugo Hills Hospital (VHH) is offering support groups to new mothers in the community. All support groups are free and require no registration.

The Breastfeeding Support Group is open to community members and is facilitated by Traci Kalaba, a certified lactation specialist. Babies in arms are welcome as concerns and issues related to breastfeeding are addressed. The support group meets on Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon.

The New Mothers Forum is an ongoing, informal discussion group designed to help mothers ease through the adjustments of having a new baby. Breast and/or bottle feeding, baby care, and growth and development during infancy are some of the topics addressed by a Parent Education instructor. New Mothers Forum meets every Tuesday. Mothers and their infants up to crawling age meet from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.  Mothers and their crawlers up to 18 months of age meet from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

For more information on these support groups and the Beginnings Family Birth Center, call Teri Rice at (818) 952-2272.