He’s “Gone Too Far”
Jim Chase has finally gone too far. His Jan. 5 rant against the government, social equality and gays and lesbians in particular violates every standard of journalistic integrity [“New Year, New Laws, Same Old Sacramento,” Viewpoints].

The CV Weekly has always celebrated the good in the Crescenta Valley. When tough topics arise thoughtful discussions have been presented. Therefore it is disturbing that Mr. Chase would write this column which appears solely intended to attack lesbian and gay people.

He allegedly is writing about new laws – but the barely concealed undercurrent is his condemnation of a single group of people. He pulls out seven of these 700-plus laws as examples of unnecessary intrusion into our lives. But six of the seven laws that he rails against protect basic social rights for all, including gay and lesbian people.

Whether or not we agree with these laws is beside the point. A well-written, civil discussion is healthy and welcome. But Mr. Chase has not taken this road. Instead, he tries to advance his own agenda of intolerance by playing fast and loose with the truth. For example:

• Seth’s Law (AB9) is not a “Gay Bullying Law” but instead a mandate that schools implement uniform polices for handling bullying based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, disability, and religion as well as sexual orientation and gender identity. Seth was a 13-year-old who tragically took his own life after years of bullying. It is sad that Mr. Chase chooses to trivialize and mock this subject.

• Mr. Chase claims that the “California Gay History Law” bans teachings that reflect negatively on gays or religions, but allows attacks on Christianity. The truth is this law (SB48) simply requires inclusion of the contributions of people of all walks of life and prohibits adversely portraying them solely because of their race or ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation and so forth.

In the interests of journalistic integrity, and fairness please drop him as a columnist. I know that controversy sells newspapers, but his column should not be tolerated in any respected publication. His words spread misinformation, foster intolerance, and spread hurt, and hatred.

Doug Kilpatrick
La Crescenta

Committed to Saying ‘Thanks’
From time to time I set aside Robin Goldsworthy’s weekly comments intending to email the paper, not necessarily to write a letter to the editor, but simply to say thank you. This is true with Mike Lawler’s column as well as Jim Chase’s, although, 99% of the time I never get around to following through.

Robin’s column of Jan. 5, ‘Fear of Commitment,’ [From the Desk of the Publisher] was excellent. Sage words of advice in contrast to the far too prevalent “me-me-me-me” mentality. It infiltrates so much of what we see, read, hear.

Thanks for exploring the value of commitment, reminding people oftentimes the most important things are worth working for.

Karen Zimmerman
La Crescenta

Offers a PO Alternative
I read with interest and some dismay Al Restivo’s letter, “He’s PO’D at the PO,” published Jan. 5.

I have used the La Cañada Post Office only occasionally and I did not share the same experience as Mr. Restivo. However, I have a great suggestion for him and anyone else who desires a great United States Postal Service experience: Use the Montrose Post Office. The staff is friendly, efficient and they are knowledgeable. The waiting, even during the Christmas rush, is never that long. Plus the patrons like to chat so time spent waiting is pleasurable.

Should the trip to Montrose be considered long distance, try shopping at our fine stores and dining at our many fine restaurants near the post office after or before your post office business.

And finally a plug for the USPS: It is a bargain. We get so much for so little. Give all the postal workers a wave and a pat on the back when you see them for the fine service they provide.

Harry “Joe” Kroening
La Crescenta