Jean Gregory is owner of Crystal Palace Beauty Salon, winner of the Salon of the year Award in 1997, and the American Board of Certified Haircolorists (ABCH) certification.
“It’s one of the most exciting and energizing experiences of my hairdressing career,” Jean said. “The ABCH is an elite organization of the most dedicated haircolorists whose aim is to raise the standards of professional haircolorists. It provides the most comprehensive education available, such as in-depth knowledge of product chemistry and state-of-the-art application technique.
“Certifying leading haircolorists is part of their mission. Less than 50% of the candidates pass the exam. I am the only ABCH in the Montrose, La Cañada and La Crescenta area.”
Jean explained that as a color-correction specialist, she can change the color a client doesn’t like to a color more to their liking.
On a more complex level, she can also repair a bad job that may have been done at home.
“I’ve always loved fixing things, and it translated well into color correction, which requires a great deal of knowledge and skill, knowing what will work and what will not,” she said.
Jean also has lengthy experience in cutting and styling hair. She said she is motivated to be the best stylist she can be for each and every client.
“And that includes an in-depth consultation, especially for the first-time client. I want to be able to give her a personal style that fits her own unique beauty her lifestyle and her own styling ability.” Jean said. “It also needs to be compatible with her hair. Often a very small change in a haircut or style can make a terrific improvement. It can change a haircut from old and tired to ‘Wow!’ I’ve seen this happen many times.”
Jean can be reached at (818) 248-3649 and is offering 50% off for new clients.