SR-710 Still on the Map


The thorny subject of extending the SR-710 was presented at Thursday night’s CV Town Council meeting.

Sam Geneway of MBI Media, the agency hired to collect community data regarding an environmental study for the proposed 710 extension, told the town council and audience members of two information meetings on March 1 and March 3 that give opportunities for supporters and proponents to voice their opinions.

The overall opinion at the town council meeting, however, was obvious: foothill residents wanted no part of the SR-710 project.

Councilmember Mike Classens told Geneway that the project is nearing 40 years of discussion and inquired as to who was paying for yet another study. Geneway responded that he was part of an outreach team hired to “listen to the community” while acknowledging that, at least for the foothills, this was a “contentious project.”

Fellow councilmember Danette Erickson asked if, as secretary, she needed to – again – submit a letter of opposition to the project. Her fellow town council members urged her to do so.

According to a flyer distributed at the meeting, in June 2010, Metro, in coordination with Caltrans, authorized moving forward with the environmental review phase and broadening the search for multi-modal solutions for the study area. A series of public meetings were held in the spring of 2011 as the first step in the environmental review and more will be scheduled over the next three years.

At the March 1 and March 3 meetings, the information presented will be identical; unique at each meeting will be the opinions gathered by attendees.

The March 1 meeting is being held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Ramona Hall Community Center at 4580 N. Figueroa St. in Los Angeles. The March 3 meeting is being held from 10 a.m. to noon at the East Los Angeles Public Library at 4837 E. 3rd St. in L.A.

The meetings, according to the flyers, are designed to share community information and insights gathered in 2011; become familiar with the next phase of the review process; contribute ideas; and join one of the various community liaison councils comprised of residents, business people and community leaders.

“The meeting is your chance to let your views be known,” said Geneway.

But with the passing of 40 years and counting, it may be the last man standing who sees whether the project ever moves forward.