MSR Team Called Out for Stranded Hikers

Montrose Search and Rescue Team members responded to a call of 12 stranded hikers at 11:08 a.m. Sunday morning. The hikers started out of Chantry Flats earlier, despite notice of an impending storm, hoping to reach Mount Wilson.

“Four or five of the hikers got back to their car. The others were found and are being transported,” said CV Sheriff’s Station watch commander Lt. Debra Herman. They were found at 12:45 p.m. and were transported to their cars at the Chantry Flats area by the Montrose Search and Rescue Team and sheriff’s department vehicles.

In an interview on Friday, both MSR Team member Mike Leum and David Sweet, meteorologist with the National Weather Service, advised that no one go out into the storm if travel was not necessary.

The rain was predicted to continue throughout the day with snow levels dropping as low as 2,000 feet.