Questions Portantino’s Actions

Once again, Assemblyman Anthony Portantino trumpets his fiscal conservatism with his oft-introduced measure AB1787 to freeze the salaries of the highest paid employees in California (“Portantino To California Legislators: Eight Is Enough,” Feb. 23).

“Freezing the salaries of the highest paid state employees until our economy recovers is a logical place to reduce spending,” he said, “and a way to show the people of California that we understand the difficulties every family is facing.”

If Anthony Portantino cared about the “difficulties” faced by citizens and taxpayers, he would not have voted for the California Dream Act, which puts undocumented students (read: illegal immigrants) in line for $65 million worth of Cal-Grants, fee waivers and textbook vouchers.

In 2010, Portantino told me at a La Cañada City Council meeting that the Dream Act would not displace citizens or legal residents. Never mind that California Community Colleges Chancellor Jack Scott told the Los Angeles Times that 140,000 students did not enroll in college because they could not get into classes (“Just Call Them College Students In Waiting,” Oct. 5, 2010).

Tell that to the cash-strapped parents of a high school senior.

Les Hammer