The Verdugo Glen Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) has been named one of the top 16 successful chapters of ABWA in the United States to receive the “Best Practices in Team Management Award – Level I,” as announced by ABWA’s national office in Overland Park, Kans.
A special event ceremony will be held at the National Women’s Leadership Conference on Oct. 11 in Memphis, Tenn. when Verdugo Glen will be presented with the ABWA prestigious award for achieving the highest levels of achievement and group management. Representing the chapter will be Dr. Marty Preciado of Tujunga and Lynn White-Shelby of Burbank. Dr. Preciado will be among the 10 women recognized as a Top Ten Business Woman of ABWA.
Additionally, Verdugo Glen members Laurali Fey of Glendale and Lynn White-Shelby of Burbank received two new national ABWA awards that were presented onstage at ABWA’s National Women’s Leadership Conference in Chattanooga, Tenn.
The new APEX Award is an award program established this year to recognize members for personal excellence and for achieving their development goals in two in program areas – teaming and personal marketing – which are online training programs of ABWA’s Women’s Instructional Network.
The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition.
For further information about ABWA and Verdugo Glen, call (818) 512-4079.