The Way To Happiness Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to arresting the current moral decline in society and restoring integrity and trust to man, recently held its annual convention at the international headquarters in Glendale. Over 100 attendees came from more than 11 countries.
The campaigns are based on the book, “The Way To Happiness,” a common sense guide written by L. Ron Hubbard. The book has been used by government and non–governmental organizations as it does not involve any religious doctrines.
The convention began with an evening reception when attendees from across the globe had a chance to meet each other and discuss the different projects they are working on. The conference officially began on Friday and featured speakers from around the world who gave briefings on their individual The Way to Happiness campaigns.
Workshops at the convention were delivered by executive director of The International Foundation, Dr. Joni Ginsberg and president Caralyn Percy ending the night on Saturday with a full banquet and awards ceremony at the Castaway Restaurant in Burbank.