Greetings from CVDAPC! » Suzy Jacobs

Suzy Jacobs WEB 2013
My board of directors thanks the 256 people (by my count) who attended our Community & Family Summit on March 14. We hope you got a lot out of it. Please let us know what you thought of the event through an anonymous survey on our website Clay Roberts trained people in the 40 Developmental Assets and gave us the chance to draft a speech, present it, and get a critique. We are ready to bring “60 Presentations in 60 Days” to the public. If you are a member of an organized group or if you just want to invite your friends over for tea and conversation, please consider inviting us to be a speaker. The message fits the time you allot. For help and/or information, please email

[My daughter] Reason and I were in Florida for spring break. While reading the calendar section, I saw a talk about the new book “Addict America: The Lost Connection,” a talk about a book about the human brain and how addictions break connections in daily life. I thought: we did that! Scott Robertson brought the same message to both parents and to our strategic partners at the Y.

Is anyone watching “Weed Country” on Discovery Channel? Marijuana is in the news and this documentary follows growers, law enforcement agents, and dispensary owners in the “Emerald Triangle” in northern California. If not, you can watch episodes on the channel’s website.

State Senator Mark Leno has recently introduced a bill to extend the hours of alcoholic beverage service in California from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. KPCC had Senator Leno and someone from Alcohol Justice speak about this proposal. If you’d like to weigh in, here’s there survey:

On a personal note: Cheers to LASD Capt. Dave Silversparre! Thank you, sir, for being a generous supporter of the Coalition, and for taking time to help me better understand the community. Since I know you’ll be around, please consider joining us as a civilian.

Stop by our booth at the Hometown Country Fair on April 6 to talk about these and other topics.

Suzy Jacobs is the executive director of the Crescenta Valley Drug & Alcohol Prevention Coalition. You can reach her at