Get to Know … Dylan Robie


This past football season, Crescenta Valley High School senior Dylan Robie could be found on the gridiron as a backup linebacker for Falcons. During basketball season, his presence as a key member of the “Hooligans,” a student cheering section comprised mainly of CV athletes, undoubtedly helped the basketball team go all the way to the CIF Division 1A semifinals.
There’s a good chance that last sentence is not true, but what does hold up is Dylan’s reputation for being a loud, energetic personality on and off the field. To find out his thoughts on the pressure of being funny and what he thinks about CV English teacher Eric Messal, read more below.

Favorite sport besides football:

Favorite team:
Dodgers, hands down.

Favorite recent movie:

What car do you drive?
What car do I drive, or what car do I enjoy driving? I have an F150, but I don’t drive it. It doesn’t have gas.

You’re trying to be more economical?
Yeah. I drive a Corolla.

What’s it like to be in the Hooligans?
It sounds cheesy but, it’s kind like a brotherhood. It’s chill to know everyone is going to be there, and they’re going to be as into it as you are.

Who is the craziest person in the Hooligans?
(Football player) Chad Eggertson is more of the leader; I’m more of the mascot.

What team do you like to beat the most in football?
Easily Arcadia.

You left the football program last year but came back for your senior year. Why’d you come back?
I knew if I didn’t play I’d be angry with myself. Just to be a part of the team was a good feeling.

Favorite memory from football:
Beating Hoover this past season. (CV won on a last-second blocked field goal attempt by Kevin Hello).

Do you admire anyone?
Not anyone specific, but I admire anyone who is football smart, like people who know the inner workings of the game.

Favorite  subject?
U.S. History, last year.

You’re a funny guy. Is that how you want people to view you?
I think if you’re funny, it’s important to know when to be funny and when not to be.

What’s it like to be you?
I’m my biggest judge, you know, my biggest critic. I’m sure other people are like, “Oh, Dylan’s funny!” But I think I can do better than that. Sometimes I feel like I try too hard to be funny.
When people say you have a lot of potential, does that bother you?
Yeah, it drives me up a wall. I don’t know how to act on it.
Are you thinking about any major in college?

Why philosophy?
You know Eric Messal? The way he talks and thinks, it’s super philosophical, and I like that. It makes me think a lot, and I just like it.
What will you always remember from your time at CV?
Cole Currie’s game-winner (in basketball, to beat Arcadia in 2011). The crowd was insanely loud. I lost my mind.

By Brandon HENSLEY &
Photo by Ed HAMILTON