VHH Benefits from Bingo Luncheon

LEFT TO RIGHT: From left are Jean Woody, Betty Hurn, John Blaha, Chris Rothrock, Dr. Karen McIlvena, Ruth McNevin and Teri Rice.
LEFT TO RIGHT: From left are Jean Woody, Betty Hurn, John Blaha, Chris Rothrock, Dr. Karen McIlvena, Ruth McNevin and Teri Rice.

The Verdugo Hills Hospital (VHH) Foundation successfully celebrated its annual bingo luncheon event in March organized by the Women’s Council, which raised nearly $3,200 for VHH. Attendees enjoyed festive decorations and friend-raising as well as fundraising. There were 20 lucky bingo winners over the course of the afternoon and a surprise bagpipe performance by Dr. Karen McIlvena, an anesthesiologist at VHH.

Submitted by VHH Foundation/Women’s Council