The Power of Partnerships
For as long as I can remember, I’ve understood the power generated by well-positioned partnerships. Whether as a kid growing up and trying to play one parent against the other (that never fared well, by the way) to musical partnerships – Rodgers and Hammerstein, Bernie Taupin and Elton John – I got the idea of “two is better than one.” In my own life, I’ve had the same “partner” – Steve – for over 32 years (we celebrated our wedding anniversary on April 25). The key here is good partnerships where each recognizes their responsibility to achieve common goals while helping to support each other.
In business, those partnerships take on another dynamic, are extended even further. At the Crescenta Valley Weekly, Mary O’Keefe, Charly Shelton and Lisa Yeghiayan have been with me since I came up with the crazy idea of launching a newspaper. My designers, sales staff, writers, photographers … all work to produce an excellent product week after week. Our readers and advertisers figure prominently into this partnership. Without their commitment, dedication and financial support, the Crescenta Valley Weekly would have died early on.
The community is instrumental in the success of many types of partnerships. I mentioned business. Not just the Crescenta Valley Weekly, but also the owners of retail stores, repair shops, service providers – all rely on the community to recognize their worth and patronize their business.
And we cannot ignore the non-profits, those organizations that exist for no other purpose than to meet a need within their community. Prom Plus provides a $25,000 party for CVHS seniors and their dates after prom over at the Y. Non-prom attendees can go, too. One the organization’s fundraisers, the Taste of Montrose, was on Sunday. It was held in conjunction with Kids ‘n’ Kritters and Wags ‘n’ Whiskers along Honolulu Avenue. The weather kept some people home, but we appreciate those who did venture out to enjoy the vast offerings of ToM.
The opportunity to support our non-profits can sometimes be a hit or miss. How many times have you planned to attend a function or send a check and then got sidetracked? Well, this weekend you have 24 hours that have been set aside for the American Cancer Society.
The annual Foothills Relay for Life benefitting the American Cancer Society is from 9 a.m. on Saturday until 9 a.m. on Sunday. Held at Clark Magnet High School at 4747 New York Ave. in La Crescenta, the day starts strong with a survivors’ walk by those who have beaten this dreaded life stealer. Then caregivers join in and finally everyone takes to the track to begin 24 hours of walking. Now, this is a relay which means that one person doesn’t stay on the track the whole time. It’s a team effort … a partnership. Relay for Life hosts teams of people that are sponsored by friends, family and others to have their members on the track for 24 hours. You can still offer financial help by visiting or calling Chris at (818) 247-8778, x223.
You can also come over to Clark Magnet High School – with your walking shoes on – and plan to take a lap or two. You’ll be surprised by how many people you know that are on the track.
I’ll be there and I hope to see you, too.