DUI Checkpoint Results

Glendale Police Dept. Traffic Unit conducted a DUI/drivers license checkpoint on Saturday at Pennsylvania and Montrose avenues between the hours of 7 p.m. to 3 a.m.

The results from the one day checkpoint are below:

• 461 vehicles through the checkpoint
• 461 vehicles stopped
•40 vehicles screened
• 15 FSTs
• 2 vehicles towed
• 2 DUI alcohol arrests
• 2 unlicensed driver arrests
• 2 infractions

The deterrent effect of DUI checkpoints is a proven resource in reducing the number of persons killed or injured in alcohol and/or drug involved crashes. Research shows that crashes involving alcohol drop by an average of 20% when well-publicized checkpoints are conducted often enough.

Officers examined drivers passing through the checkpoint for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment. Officers also checked drivers for proper licensing. Drivers that were caught driving impaired could face jail, license suspension, and insurance increases, as well as fines, fees, DUI classes and other expenses that can exceed $10,000.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), checkpoints have provided the most effective documented results of any of the DUI enforcement strategies, while also yielding considerable cost savings of $6 for every $1 spent. Based on collision statistics and frequency of DUI arrests, DUI checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence. Locations are chosen with safety considerations for the officers and the public.

Funding for this checkpoint is provided to Glendale Police Dept. by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the NHTSA.

If you see a drunk driver, call 9-1-1.