Letters to the Editor

With respect to the response from “Anne” (online Comments, Jan. 7) I would like to clarify that I have served and continue to serve on the Holy Redeemer Parish Council.  Indeed, I am the recording secretary and although there have been some corrections to my minutes, none involved the omission of Holy Redeemer School being in dire straits! In other words, no one ever was told at Holy Redeemer that there was a significant problem and although the enrollment is down to approximately 171 students currently, it was previously at 131 students and the school and parish rebounded and later flourished. Further, at the last PTO meeting before school break in the 2008/2009 academic year, Fr. Ed challenged Mrs. Fite to bring in 10 additional students to deal with enrollment issues. Mrs. Fite covenanted to do that and Fr. Ed stated that she was putting her paycheck on the line. Fourteen additional students were enrolled and Fr. Ed nonetheless decided on doing this merger.  This merger was not aimed at solving overcrowding problems at Rosemont nor will it.  All it can do is dissuade parents interested in the K – 8 model at a Catholic school from enrolling in either Holy Redeemer or St. James.  I have no additional comment on the integrity of the reporting or the comments and responses by Anne other than to note that I was raised to believe that if you felt strongly enough about something, you put your full name behind it.
Nigel Burns

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