Rita’s Italian Ice Ribbon Cutting

From left are Miss LCF Courtney Perry, Chelsea Johnson, Nora Sagal and Madison Johnson.
From left are Miss LCF Courtney Perry, Chelsea Johnson, Nora Sagal and Madison Johnson.

The community turned out for a ribbon cutting Rita’s Italian Ice held on Sept. 26. Owner Chris Rodgers welcomed the public as well as members of the Miss LCF court and dignitaries.

Don Voss, left, presented Chris Rodger with a certificate from the 43rd Assembly District, Assemblyman Mike Gatto’s office.
Don Voss, left, presented Chris Rodger with a certificate from the 43rd Assembly District, Assemblyman Mike Gatto’s office.


Rita’s Italian Ice is located at 468 Foothill Blvd. in La Cañada.
Rita’s Italian Ice is located at
468 Foothill Blvd. in
La Cañada.