City notes

Verdugo Trail funds allocated
The Glendale City Council Tuesday approved the funding of a new trail in the San Rafael Mountains, intended to help take up the slack from the loss of 4.5 miles of trails in the Deukmejian Park due to the Station Fire. The new trail, named in honor of Glendale pioneer Catalina Verdugo, will be funded through a grant from the county for $123,472.
The trail will be 8,929 feet, originating from the Glendale Sports Complex and connecting with a number of other routes including the Ridge Motorway. The Verdugo trail was identified as a key element in the city’s master trails plan completed in 2008.
Maintenance of the trail will be the responsibility of community volunteers.

Consultant hired for tunnel
Councilman Ara Najarian expressed concern Tuesday night that the effort to build a tunnel to link the 710 freeway to the 210 freeway may break

ground within five years.
Najarian, chair of the MTA board, said the transit agency has hired a consultant to develop a funding plan for the tunnel, which could be built on any of five north- south routes. One of the five routes would run along the 2 freeway through Glendale and La Crescenta.
The MTA board approved an $11.5 million contract with IntraConsult LLC to find private funding for the tunnel and five other pending projects.
Najarian, who opposes the tunnel, asked the city attorney to expedite a pending report on what Glendale can do to oppose the project. Glendale, La Cañada and Northeast Los Angeles residents are fighting the tunnel project, which could cost up to $10 billion.
Concerns continue over the likelihood the project could increase traffic on the 210 freeway, and create a new truck route through the area.
The 710 completion has been pending for many years, blocked through action by South Pasadena, which now supports the tunnel route.

Parcel map returned to commission
The city Council Tuesday sent back to the planning commission an appeal on a decision to approve a parcel map to create two lots on a piece of property at 2246 to 2248 San Rafael Terrace.

Property owner Sam Danielan wants to split the property into two parcels for home sites, served by a driveway with a hammerhead turn around for emergency vehicles.
The area is in a secondary ridgeline, and requires retaining alls in the street right of way.
A previous parcel map was approved for the property, but has since expired. The commission rejected the current filing in December. Planning director Hassan Haghani said the owner has submitted new evidence for the commission to hear. The council agreed to send the issue back.