Blood Drive Today!


Blood is life. That may seem like a simple statement but if you are the one who needs a transfusion, this statement is everything.

Today, Thursday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station will be holding a blood drive as part of the Battle of the Badges. A couple of times a year law enforcement throughout Los Angeles County compete in a blood drive. It combines community pride and competition with helping the American Red Cross improve its blood bank supply.

“It is the fuel of life,” said Dr. Armand Dorian, emergency room physician at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.

Dorian knows how important blood is for those who come into the emergency room.

“Most people [think the] most common use of a transfusion is during trauma,” he said. “And in traumatic cases, we need lots of blood.”

He added many times blood is needed for common illness.

“When the elderly come in and are already anemic, they will need blood. Or if someone is having a heart attack then we find out they are anemic, [they will also need blood],” he said.  “The cargo that takes the oxygen to the brain is the blood.”

According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.

“More than 1.6 million people were diagnosed with cancer last year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment,” stated the ARC.

“A lot of people go through life wanting to help others. They become nurses and doctors, they volunteer to help others,” Dorian said. “A simple way to help someone is to donate blood.”

The blood donation mobile will be at the CV Sheriff’s Station today from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 4554 Briggs Ave. Walk-ups are welcome; however, reservations are advised. To schedule an appointment, visit and enter sponsor code: badgesocal or contact Deputy Jorge Valdivia at (818) 248-3464 or email

All participants will receive a free dessert from Mimi’s Café, two tickets to the Laugh Factory and a Battle of the Badges T-shirt.