From the desk of the publisher

When Brains are Scrambled

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at  or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

You know how you can walk into a room then forget why you went in there (oh, please don’t tell me I’m the only one that happens to)? Well, sometimes when I sit in front of my computer, the same thing happens. I think I have it all figured out what I want to share with you, then I plunk down in front of the keyboard and everything sort of turns into a firework – lots of colors heading in multiple directions. I mean, sometimes there’s so much to talk about that it’s hard to focus.

For example (speaking of fireworks), as is customary in the Goldsworthy house after Prom Plus (which was this past weekend), on Sunday night we go to Memorial Park. As part of the La Cañada Fiesta Days celebration over Memorial weekend, Sunday night is a night of music, barbecue and fireworks (the fireworks are courtesy of Allen Lund). On Sunday evening the park was packed. Hundreds had set up blankets and chairs, either bringing their own picnic or buying a burger or Mexican dinner. We saw a lot of folks we knew (including Anthony Portantino who had been at Prom Plus dealing cards) and I was glad we went.

Thinking of Prom Plus reminds me of all the seniors who are preparing for graduation. CV and Clark high schools are graduating on June 3 and many of these seniors are just plain outstanding. I know this because I sit on a board that distributes scholarships and get the chance to read their personal essays. Over the years, I’ve read about students whose families are financially strapped, students who’ve battled disease and students who’ve earned a 4.0 (or better) GPA while working dozens of hours a week. I’m going to be distributing those scholarships this Saturday morning – which means I won’t be at Arbor Day.

Yes, Arbor Day takes place this Saturday morning at Two Strike Park at 10 a.m. As in years past, there will be information booths set up, music from the CVHS band and a hot dog barbecue that benefits Prom Plus Club, the student-led section of Prom Plus. In fact, Prom Plus is being honored by the Arbor Day Committee of the CV Town Council. As Prom Plus president, I am disappointed that I can’t be there but am confident in those entrusted with delivering the history of Prom Plus and its founders, specifically Marian Mirsky.

Marian was the one who invited (shanghaied) me to join Prom Plus back in 1999 when my son Patrick was a senior at CVHS. Over the years, she trained me on how to oversee a successful event and this year’s record number of attendees – 453 – is a testament to that training.

Also on Saturday (and Sunday) is the annual Arts & Crafts Festival in Montrose. With an international food court, unique vendors and much more, it’s something not to be missed.

Plenty to do … and summer hasn’t even officially started yet!