La Crescenta Woman’s Club Wins First Place

The members of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club were honored at the San Gabriel Valley District Convention in April. Thirteen members attended the convention that took place at the Radisson Ontario Hotel.

The club took first place in nine categories, second place in four categories and third in three categories. Categories included membership, community service/education, community service/domestic violence, advocating for children and home life/philanthropy. LCWC was among 25 San Gabriel Valley District charity organizations that were considered. The reports that produced these awards will be forwarded to the State Federation of Woman’s Clubs to be considered for recognition. The woman work all year to support their community by raising money for scholarships, worthy children’s programs and many other programs that can use support in the nearby areas.

The convention also featured motivating speakers and entertainment.

The district installed its new president Rosemary Morabito with much applause and support. The La Crescenta Woman’s Club showed its support and spirit by composing and performing new lyrics for ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to honor its outgoing district president Mavis Hansen. Though the club competed furiously to win the Spirit Award, it was out maneuvered by Federated East Valley Woman’s Club, albeit by a very close margin. Good sportsmanship prevailed with hugs and congratulations all around.

Submitted by Maryann CHAPMAN