from the desk of the publisher

Amazing People

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at  or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

I had the opportunity to attend the most recent strategic partners’ meeting of CV Alliance. The morning meeting was held at the USC Verdugo Hills Hospital with a hot breakfast provided by Montrose Church.

The room was packed with incredible people representing dynamic organizations. All shared common goals: combating substance abuse, particularly among youth, and providing options and education for parents.

The guest speaker was John Furay, the director of the Citation Diversion Program at the county Probation Department. Furay has been working with youth for years and relayed fascinating stories about his efforts to redirect some of these troubled kids – some successfully, some not so much.

But what caught my attention in addition to John’s presentation was the rude behavior exhibited by some in the audience who just couldn’t keep their hands off their cellphones. Though they sat in their seats while this man offered priceless advice, they obviously were not engaged with the speaker. I understand posting when attending an event to let folks know what you’re up to, but what I’m speaking of is the almost constant tapping on the miniature keyboard during the event. Perhaps these folks think that just filling a seat is enough; paying attention is optional. I wonder how these same people would feel if they were receiving an award or making a presentation and saw members of the audience more interested in their tiny screens than what they had to say.

At the end of the day, though, it’s their loss because Furay gave a lot to those who bothered to pay attention.


Speaking of those who give a lot, take time to read in Between Friends the gift that Solheim Lutheran Home received. The donor was a gentleman who had never used the services of Solheim; he just wanted to further the good work that he felt the facility provided. How incredible is that?

I was reminded of the financial gift that CVCAN received several years ago that provided the funds for a new track at Crescenta Valley High School. A person in our own community with a giving heart saw a need and met it.

For those who put their heart and soul into a venture and wonder sometimes whether or not it is worth it, being supported on the level that Solheim and CVCAN were provides inspiration for others to continue their own work; for many, it’s to follow their dream.

I know that for me, starting the Crescenta Valley Weekly and running it these almost five years has been at times challenging and downright scary; other times it’s been over-the-moon rewarding. I’m grateful for the help I’ve been given, whether in the form of an unexpected note or email, a new advertiser or an increase in subscribers. It validates the hard work that is invested into the paper and reminds my team members and me that it is appreciated.