Problems with Early Institutionalized Education
SB 837, known as Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2014, will provide optional preschool to 4 year olds in the public school system. Senator Steinberg’s legislation would require any district that offers kindergarten to also offer transitional kindergarten phased in over five years starting in 2015. Most analysts agree California taxpayers will pay more than $1.3 billion a year for the program once it is fully implemented in 2020.
Is SB 837 necessary at taxpayer’s expense? There are already government subsidies available for financially challenged families. The case that 4 year olds who receive a formal education perform better academically throughout their lives is false. There have been numerous studies to support this. The Heritage Foundation has one such study, “Head Start Earns an F: No lasting impact for Children by First Grade.” Finland, which out performs U.S. academically, begins formal education at 7 years of age.
Kindergarten Readiness Act is not the solution to the failing California public school system. This is another bill supported by the California Teachers Union to create more dues paying jobs at taxpayer expense.
If you oppose this bill contact Senator Steinberg at (916) 651-4006. Reference
Denise Soto
La Cañada