Annual Summer Party for Demo Club

Planning for the cool summer picnic are Marsha Hymanson, Chuck Guinta, Jane Chetron, Maggie O’Rourke and Vicki Hays.
Planning for the cool summer picnic are Marsha Hymanson, Chuck Guinta, Jane Chetron, Maggie O’Rourke and Vicki Hays.

The Cañada Crescenta Democratic Club is planning a festive potluck at the home of Marsha Hymanson in La Canada on Sunday, July 20 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Good food, drink and deep conversation with like-minded people are anticipated.

Members, friends, and the interested public are welcome to attend.

Potluck contributions are appreciated organized under a system by last name: A-G appetizers, H-O salads/pastas/side dishes, and P-Z are desserts Drinks will be provided.

There is no charge to attend.

More information can be found at or call Publicity Chair Bonnie Finn at (818) 952-1944.