Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) received a grant from the State of California Dept. of Water Resources to perform a feasibility study to determine if stormwater in the Verdugo Wash can be captured and put back into the ground to recharge the local groundwater basin at Crescenta Valley Park.
CVWD has installed flow monitoring stations in the Verdugo Wash and is monitoring the water quality there. The next step will be to install monitoring wells to assess the soil conditions, geology and water levels. This information will be used to complete the study and to determine the possibility of installing infiltration galleries within the park for stormwater recharge.
CVWD awarded a construction contract to Yellow Jacket Drilling Services of Rancho Cucamonga to drill the two monitoring wells at Crescenta Valley Park. The monitoring wells will be drilled about 150 to 200 feet below ground.
The first monitoring well will be located at the south end of the park, in the open area between the playground and the channel. The second monitoring well will be located in the park, just west of the Dunsmuir Channel. Yellow Jacket Drilling will mobilize its equipment the week of Feb. 9 at the first monitoring well site. Construction activity should last about two weeks at this site. After completion of the first monitoring well, Yellow Jacket will proceed to the second monitoring well site and, again, the construction activity should last about two weeks.
The drilling operation can be noisy; however, the time of construction will be limited to eight hours per day, starting at 8 a.m. and ending around 3 p.m. The contractor will install temporary fencing around each project site for safety of the public.
Questions or comments concerning this project can be directed to David Gould at (818) 236-4119 or by email at