Y Gymnastics Team Places Well at USAIGC

dynamites2015 3WEB
YMCA of the Foothills participated in the United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs (USAIGC) 2015 World Championship in Palm Springs earlier this summer. The competing gymnasts represented groups from across California as well as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Bermuda and the United Kingdom.

The Crescenta Cañada YMCA gymnastics team, the CCY Dynamites, composed of 24 girls between the ages of 7 and 14, were selected to be part of the program after achieving team-level skills. During the state competition in Redlands, 18 of the 24 gymnasts qualified to compete in the USAIGC World Championship.

At the World Championship, the CCY Dynamites took many individual event medals in the copper/bronze and silver levels. In their first year of competition, the copper team captured the first place position. The bronze team achieved ninth place. The CCY Dynamites also came home with three All-Around Champions in the copper division in three different age groups.

The CCY Dynamites gymnastics team became a part of the USAIGC in 2012.

For further information, contact Annie Azizian, leader of Youth Development, at (818) 790-0124 ext. 246 or email aazizian@ymcafoothills.org.