Presenting … The Finest 2015
Have you ever wondered about the finest place to eat, the finest service people, the finest place to hike? Were you curious as to where this elusive information might be found? I am so excited to share with you that this information – and so much more – can be found in this week’s issue of the Crescenta Valley Weekly.
That’s because within the pages of this week’s paper is the 2015 edition of The Finest – those services, people and places chosen by readers of the CV Weekly as the best, the cream of the crop, the finest.
It didn’t take long after I started the paper back in 2009 to realize that not only did our residents and businesses want a newspaper dedicated to them but they were also eager for the opportunity to share information about those who went the extra mile. Our first Finest was produced in 2012 and I think, especially because the Great Recession was in full swing and money was tight, people wanted to let their friends and neighbors know of those who gave an extra effort. Enthusiasm for The Finest has not dimmed over the years.
This year I hired four counters who worked diligently to tally the 11,000-plus votes received in the office. (I have to chuckle when I think of the naysayers who think the results of The Finest are manufactured by us here – we’re not even allowed to vote!). On the pages you will find not only a complete listing of all the winners but notes of gratitude by many of them. They understand that our readers have choices when dining, choosing a plumber or shopping and want to thank those who decided that they were above par.
In The Finest you will find some familiar names and faces and some new ones as well. After perusing the magazine, I hope you will keep it close so when you are in need you can pull it out to make an educated decision on any number of issues. Also make sure and take note of those community members who volunteer their time to make our place the finest in which to live.
I hope you were pleasantly surprised by the gift in this week’s CV Weekly. It was produced by those I consider The Finest for The Finest – our readers!