Thinking of and thanking our departing school staff

Robin Goldsworthy From the desk of the publisher

By Robin Goldsworthy

As we approach the end of the school year, which for some has already arrived, it’s with a bit of melancholy that I reflect on those changes that are taking place within our district.
While the teachers union and the school board battle it out, debating what constitutes an emergency in order to access emergency funds, I look at the people who have impacted my school community and my children’s lives as students.
This June we bid farewell to Linda Evans as principal at Crescenta Valley High School. Linda’s leaving for me is particularly sad because she helped me navigate Prom Plus in the early days back in 1999 when I first became involved with the organization. As time passed, I became more and more active with Prom Plus and Linda always made me feel welcome to ask her anything that might help advance this worthwhile cause. She had a personal interest in its success as she was a teacher at CVHS when Berlyn Cosman, the student who was murdered at an unsupervised post prom hotel party in 1991, was killed. In fact, Berlyn was Linda’s teacher’s assistant and Linda never turned down an opportunity to tell people of the loss she felt at Berlyn’s death and how Prom Plus is her legacy.
At the graduations of my second and third sons, it was Linda who shook the hands of my boys. I’m sorry that she won’t be shaking the hand of my last son who this year is a junior and won’t be graduating until next year.
I have no doubt that Linda will offer whatever assistance incoming principal Michele Doll may ask of her.
At the elementary school level, Vera Miro over at Monte Vista will be saying so long to “her” kids. Vera has been involved at Monte Vista for 20 years. As the school secretary, she oversaw the changing of principals and helped launch the education of hundreds of children while patting the hands of kindergarten parents as they said that first good-bye to their school-aged children. Her office was bedecked with “Star Wars” characters (or was it “Star Trek”? Just kidding) and recently “Twilight” posters and paraphernalia edged its way onto her walls. Fridays were “treat day” when a line of kids could be found outside her office as she handed out a goodie to start off the weekend.
Monte Vista is not only losing Vera, but also long time teachers aide Mary Cummings and teachers Shirley Sycamore (who has been teaching over 40 years), Janice Szpila and Dave Ford (who was my 28-year-old’s fifth grade teacher so many years ago).
Cynthia Livingston leaves her position as principal at Fremont Elementary after being promoted to principal at Rosemont Middle School. Like Michele, she’ll shake the hands of her graduates in June and welcome many of them to their new school home in September.
This is just a sampling of the changes taking place at our schools in the Crescenta Valley.
I know that there are many who will be leaving long held posts at our schools and I ask their forgiveness in not naming them all. To those who are leaving after giving so much, I thank them for a job well done.
This week Crescenta Valley Weekly is introducing a program that will financially assist our local non-profit organizations. For every new subscription to this paper, we will donate $10 back to a local charity of the subscriber’s choice. We felt that our community has supported us since we hit the ground in September and we want to give back.
To learn more visit page 15 or call our office at (818) 248-2740.