In brief

Group loans motorcycles
The Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Support Group has agreed to lend two Suzuki Sport motorcycles and a transport trailer to the sheriff’s department for use for enforcement, search and rescue support. The agreement will be in effect for six years. The county will send a letter of thanks to the group and president Leo Lesh

Board approves local trail
The Board of Supervisors has approved a $530,000 budget to complete a recreational trail link in La Crescenta.
The multi-use trail will be about a third of a mile long, stretching from 2700 Orange Avenue and ending at Rosemont and Pine Glen. It will include retaining walls, fencing along Eagle Canyon Flood Control Channel and gates at Orange Avenue and Two Strike Park.
The work will be done by county staff and the Los Angeles Conservation Corp, and is expected to take about six months beginning in June.

CVWD still concerned over budget
Budget concerns will still be an issue for the Crescenta Valley Water District for a while, and some of it has to do with recovering money spent over the Station Fire and floods this past year.
In his report at the board meeting on Tuesday, district engineer David Gould said the district has incurred costs of around $265,000 because of the fire and the cleanup of the subsequent floods. Gould reported, however, that Cal EMA – California Emergency Management Agency -would only be giving them $15,000.
Gould has met with Cal EMA several times over this issue, and this week the district will submit a request for around $40,000 for work done on relocated water lines, power poles and fixing the roads.
The $15,000 Cal EMA is giving back was disappointing to Gould. “It was an unsatisfying experience that we had. I don’t know if I could do this again,” he said.
Gould also reported no rain for this month, and for the first three weeks water conservation was 14.3% less than the five-year average.
Program specialist Christy Scott reported the district has been sending postcards over the past three weeks to customers who are not following the water conservation ordinance. “Most of the violations are people who water on the wrong day,” she said.
Scott also said there will be a workshop on smart gardening at the La Crescenta Library from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on July 12.
Board director James Bodnar reported the state project water allocation increased by 5% from 45% to 50%. “So that does mean that Southern California will be getting some extra water,” he said, and added that Metropolitan Water District will be refilling its reservoirs that have been exhausted over the past three years.