After an extended period of negotiation, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy (FSHA) and the homeowner group Protect La Cañada Flintridge (Protect LCF) have reached an agreement regarding FSHA’s application to increase its enrollment from 385 to 425 students and a list of conditions tied to FSHA’s campus construction project application (Specific Plan).
FSHA and Protect LCF worked together to address several issues, including traffic, parking, alcohol service on campus and the number of special events. FSHA’s Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to increase enrollment from 385 to 425 was approved by the City of La Cañada Flintridge Planning Commission on Feb. 8. Protect LCF spoke eloquently in support of the application. The City Council is expected to consider approval of FSHA’s Specific Plan at a future meeting.
“As we celebrate our 85th anniversary, our stewardship of this beautiful neighborhood is as important today as when our first Dominican Sisters arrived in 1931,” said Sister Carolyn McCormack, O.P., president of FSHA. “This agreement further emphasizes our commitment to continue to be a good neighbor and moves us one step closer to the fulfillment of our vision for modernizing our campus. Approval of the Specific Plan by the City of La Cañada ensures we can provide the best facilities to educate the next generation of young women for a life of faith, integrity and truth.”
“On behalf of Protect LCF, we are pleased to have reached this important agreement with FSHA that truly balances the needs of the school and the community,” said John Pridjian, a La Cañada Flintridge resident and a member of Protect LCF. “FSHA is a great institution with strong values, and having a continued, positive relationship with the surrounding neighborhood will ensure its continued success.”
Key terms of the agreement between FSHA and Protect LCF as a condition of approval to the CUP or the Specific Plan include the following:
• Making the FSHA transportation plan mandatory and a condition of approval of the amendment to the CUP and Specific Plan
• Retaining a traffic engineer to monitor the campus for a one-day period and report results
• To supplement on campus parking, requiring guests in excess of 425 to use remote parking and shuttle services
• Limiting alcohol use to beer/wine only for up to 20 annual events with 30 or more people, and full alcohol service at a maximum of three of the 20 annual events
• Limiting minor school events (events with less than 500 people) not otherwise listed or enumerated to four per month and no more than one per week (supplementing draft Specific Plan limits of Major School-Related Events to six per year and no more than two per month, and similar limits on the number of Non-School-Related Events that will require temporary use permits)
• Annual reporting of all of the above restrictions with information made available to the public
• Reviewing the effectiveness of the conditions at one-year and five years from the approval date