JROTC Prepares for Cross Country Travel



Crescenta Valley High School JROTC Honor Guard members (from left) Frederick Stepanian, junior, Cadet Capt. Jun Lee, senior, Kiersten Yoon, senior and Grace Kim, junior, received a $3,000 donation from American Legion Post 288 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1614. Making the check presentation were American Legion Commander Gerry Collins, VFW Commander Jerry Peterson and American Legion/VFW member Roy Allmon. The donation was to help fund the JROTC members trip to Daytona, Florida to compete in the 2016 Air Force National JROTC Drill Championship.

As some Crescenta Valley High School JROTC cadets are preparing to travel to Dayton, Florida for the Drill Championship, other cadets will be packing their bags for a trip to Washington, D.C. to compete in the 2016 Air Force JROTC Academic
Bowl Championship. Those competing are, from left, Sunghoo Jung, Yeran Lee, Grace Kim and Samuel Park, all juniors.