S-T Beautification Committee Project Green-Lighted

Eighteen months after being approved, a project to have local utility boxes painted with “mini-murals” has begun. The Beautification Committee of the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council (STNC) is working with the 15 artists who were selected to create art on the boxes. A handful of artists have begun their creations.

The project started with STNC’s call to artists by its Beautification Committee in October 2014, followed by a community vote in January 2015 when 69 pieces of art were voted on. The top rated art was submitted to Councilman Felipe Fuentes by the chairperson of the committee, Gail Carlson. Councilman Fuentes agreed to help with painting supplies for the 15 artists, a motion passed in March 2015 at city hall.

Over the year, the various departments in the city involved with the project – Transportation, Art and Cultural Affairs, Street Services and finally the Office of Community Beautification – finalized the project last month. Additional coordination of city departments was led by Monica Rodriguez, V.P. of Public Works, who pulled it together for the final approvals.

Each of the top voted 21 mural submissions were specifically chosen by the Beautification Committee to be painted in specific areas based on a connection between the art and that area. Further information and photographs about this project or the artists involved can contact Gail Carlson at area2repgail@yahoo.com.

The Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council (STNC) is one of 96 Neighborhood Councils created as part of the 1999 Los Angeles Charter reform package to connect residents with city government and promote more citizen participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs. For information call (818) 951-7411 or visit www.stnc.org.