Black Bear Safety and Awareness

In light of recent regional sightings, the City of Glendale wants to ensure residents are equipped with the necessary information to properly address bear encounters. California black bears are generally timid and docile in nature, mainly venturing into residential areas in search of food. With high summer temperatures expected to drive bears down from their mountainous habitats, the following guidelines were created to help residents peacefully co-exist with local wild neighbors.

It’s important to note that the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA does not tranquilize, trap or capture bears or any other type of healthy wildlife. They’re only capable of assessing the situation and consulting the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) regarding additional actions. Additionally, if anyone believes a wildlife encounter is placing their life in immediate danger, call 911.

According to the CDFW’s Homeowner’s & Renter’s Guide to Living in Bear Country, residents who encounter a bear on their property should do the following:

1. Make space between yourself and the bear.

2. Allow it plenty of room to pass or withdraw.

3. Deter it by banging pots and pans together or making similar loud noises.

Applying preventative measures to your home can reduce the likelihood of visitation from a curious bear. Here are some methods to deter them from potentially visiting or damaging your property.

• Do not put out trash cans the night before pick up.

• Store garbage cans in a garage or closed shed.

• Keep garbage cans clean. Deodorize and disinfect them with bleach or ammonia.

• Promptly collect fruit that falls from trees. Harvest fruit as soon as it’s ripe.

• Remove plants that attract bears, such as any berries including Dogwood.

• Eliminate bird feeders during spring and summer when there are natural foods available for birds.

For more bear safety information and tips, visit

To contact the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, call (562) 342-7100.

To contact the Pasadena Humane Society, call (626) 792-7151.