Water Use Down in May

Overall water use in the FMWD service area decreased 29% for the month of May 2016 when compared to May 2013. The state is using calendar year 2013 as the benchmark for measuring water savings for water agencies throughout California. Compliance with the mandate is determined on a cumulative basis starting with June 1, 2015. Cumulative water savings for the District since the state-mandated reductions began remains at 28%.

Almost all water agencies across the foothills met state-mandated targets for the month of May. On a cumulative basis, which accounts for all water savings achieved from June 2015 to May 2016, most agencies are on track in compliance.

Below are the numbers for agencies within the FMWD service area:

Due to improving water supply conditions following storms received in March, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) revised conservation reporting requirements. Urban water suppliers must now adopt a reporting format that follows a stress test approach in determining conservation standards.  This format will be in effect starting June 2016 through January 2017 and requires locally developed conservation standards based upon each agency’s specific set of circumstances.

Foothill MWD has completed its stress test based on supplies that Metropolitan Water District of Southern California can provide. Metropolitan shows that it has sufficient water supplies to meet the demand of its member agencies over the next three years. The analysis can be found at http://www.fmwd.com/resources/documents/reports/SWRCB-Foothill-MWD-Analysis-and-Supporting-Documentation.pdf.

“This past winter there was improvement in water supplies that we receive from Northern California,” said Foothill MWD General Manager Nina Jazmadarian. “However, drought still persists and is impacting the other two-thirds of water supplies that meet consumer demands. Therefore, water agencies continue to ask for conservation from consumers. Any water conserved this year will go into reservoir and groundwater storage to be used in future years.”

For savings tips, visit http://bewaterwise.com/.