In Brief

Nominees Solicited for Annual Banquet
The Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce is seeking deserving community members to honor at its annual recognition banquet taking place in October. Categories are woman of the year, man of the year, volunteer of the year, business of the year, organization of the year and educator of the year and Beautification Award.
The banquet honors individuals, organizations and businesses that have made a difference in the community including contributions to the business environment, exceptional achievement or service to the community, and outstanding social, civic or educational leadership. The nomination form is available by calling the chamber office at (818) 248-4957; nominations forms need to be submitted by Sept. 2. Everyone, regardless of Chamber membership, is eligible to nominate and/or be a nominee.
School Resumes
Reminder that classes within the Glendale Unified School District begin on Monday, Aug. 8. Drivers are asked to give themselves extra time to get to and from destinations as traffic patterns will have changed. Please use caution when around schools as students will be populating the area.
Rosemont Preserve Talk
All are invited on Sunday, Aug. 7 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. for a discussion on how to co-exist peacefully with the valley’s wild neighbors! Join wildlife photographer and expert tracker Johanna Turner as she explains why wildlife comes into local yards and what to do when coming face to face with a bear or coyote. She will talk about how to secure trash and avoid confrontation.
Turner helps the National Park Service track and document mountain lions in the Verdugo Mountains. AFC partnered with her and Denis Callet who has installed cameras on the Rosemont Preserve and other AFC properties to document wildlife passage through these natural open spaces. Check out their images at and
The Preserve is located at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. As street parking is limited, please park at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave. in La Crescenta. Please bring water, a hat and wear sturdy shoes to walk the trail.
This event is free to the public and suitable for all ages; no reservations required. Rain cancels event. Sorry, no pets please.
For further information, contact the Friends of the Rosemont Preserve at
GAMC to Hold Blood Drive
Save a life and donate blood at Glendale Adventist Medical Center on Aug. 11 from 7:15 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. in the main auditorium. All presenting donors will receive thank you gifts for donating blood. To schedule your life-saving appointment, visit and enter sponsor code Glendaleadventist or call (310) 429-1025.
Glendale Adventist Medical Center (Main Auditorium) is located at 1509 Wilson Terrace in Glendale.
Bear Aware Meeting
A bear aware meeting is being held on Monday, Aug. 8 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Sadler Hall/St. Luke’s of the Mountains.
Sadler Hall/St. Luke’s of the Mountains is located at 2563 Foothill Blvd. in La Crescenta.
Bingo Night Fundraiser
On Aug. 19, the American Legion Post 288 and the VFW Post 1614 will have their 5th Annual Bingo Night in Healy Hall at Holy Redeemer Church in Montrose.
This event is the annual fundraiser for the two posts to raise funds to support programs
that benefit veterans in the community. Tickets are available but limited.
Opportunities are still available to businesses, organizations or individuals who may want to promote their business, activities or causes to sponsor a bingo game.
Holy Redeemer Church in Montrose is located at
2361 Del Mar Road.
Breakfast to Honor Local Law Enforcement
On Saturday morning, Aug. 13 American Legion Post 288 and VFW Post 1614 are hosting a Crescenta Valley Community Law Enforcement Appreciation Breakfast in the Legion Memorial Hall.
There will be breakfast served to county sheriff’s deputies, CHP officers and Glendale PD officers from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. They will be presented an American Legion thank you coin.
Help is needed in identifying and inviting members of the law enforcement persons in the community. RSVP is needed to ensure there is plenty of food. Contact Lynn McGinnis at (818) 242-3487 for more information or to RSVP.
Legion Memorial Hall is located at 4011 La Crescenta Ave. between Montrose and Honolulu avenues.