‘Good Grief’ Support Group at St. Bede’s
“Good Grief,” a six-week program for those who have lost a loved one through death, continues through Oct. 18 at St. Bede’s Parish Center, 215 Foothill Blvd. in La Cañada. Sessions are from 6:30 p.m. to 8 pm. There is no fee.
The series includes information on the grieving process and an opportunity to share with others in small groups. Topics include: “The Tasks and Process of Grieving,” “What is Good Grief vs. Bad Grief?,” “Coping with Loneliness and Depression,” “Stress Management, Learning to Live Alone,” and “Re-emerging into Life with Hope and Purpose.”
When a loved one dies, people often ask themselves, “When will I get over it?” The truth is never. A loved one will always be a part of their lives. Death only ends the physical relationship with that person.
Grief is about a broken heart but sometimes it feels like a broken brain because one usually experiences a range of emotions, such as anger, guilt, lonely and anxiety, and may have difficulty sleeping, etc. These are many normal and natural reactions to loss. It helps to talk about it in a small group and learn how to help yourself.
To register or for further information, call the Parish Center at (818) 949-4300.
Metaphysical and Artisan Faire at CSL
The Center for Spiritual Living-La Crescenta is hosting a metaphysical and artisan faire on Nov. 5. Holistic teachers, healers, artisan presenters and unique products will be combined in one event. Faire organizers are currently accepting applications to vendors and presenters interested in taking part in this event.
The attending general public will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the various transformative, healing techniques from the presenters and have new experiences provided by the practitioners. In addition, handmade and unique one-of-a-kind products will also be available for purchase. The event promises to have a variety of vendors and products for holiday shopping and gift giving.
Scheduled throughout the day of the event will be six presenters speaking, sharing professional knowledge, experiences and offering possible solutions. Some of these presenters are from the local community and others are noted authors and alternative health providers.
The early bird deadline to participate as a vendor or presenter is Sept. 16 with the final deadline on Oct. 21.
Attendance to this event is free to the general public, with the presenters requesting a nominal suggested donation for exchange of their services while at the event.
For more information, contact Myrna Perez at reikimaster.energy@yahoo.com.