From the Desk of the Publisher

A Truly Frightening Halloween

Halloween is almost here as is Election Day, which will mark the end of a particularly contentious political season. I’m curious to see what costumes will reflect the elections this year. Will we see a lot of scowling Donald Trumps and pant-suited Hillary Clintons? Will there be an opportunity to once again Feel the Bern with Bernie Sanders, maybe holding a bottle of Vermont maple syrup as he makes his way from house to house? Will little President Obamas be making sure to wave “good-bye” after getting their Halloween candy?

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at   or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

I’m reminded of one of my favorite costumes that my son Matthew (who has always had a flair for fun) wore one Halloween a few years ago. He pulled on an oversized flannel shirt, stuffed the stomach area with a pillow, donned a baseball cap and black-rimmed eyeglasses and made his way to Candyland (i.e., the neighborhood streets of La Crescenta).

Most of the people on whose doors he knocked just handed over the candy and sent him on his way. At one house the homeowner asked who he was supposed to be.

“Michael Moore,” Matthew responded.

The guy slammed the door in his face.

At another house, the homeowner laughed hysterically when told who it was Matthew was portraying, then called his wife over to see him before handing over most of the candy in the bowl.

For those who are serious about their Halloween fun, though, there are some great places around town that are opening their doors to trick-or-treaters. Check out Charly Shelton’s story in Leisure on page 16 to discover some of our favorite spots. And to learn about Crescenta Valley’s haunted history, read Mike Lawler’s column on page 9.


After eating all that Halloween candy (you know you will) you’ll no doubt need to work off those newfound pounds. Why not spruce up your dance moves along the way?

On Saturday I had the chance to stop by the recently opened Arthur Murray Dance Center in Montrose for its ribbon cutting. The place was packed! Owners Katie and Erick Padilla were the consummate hosts, greeting everybody and making sure everyone made their way onto the dance floor. They even brought in some Arthur Murray dance pros from nearby studios to share some dynamite moves. Talk about tripping the light fantastic! I was there with Montrose sales professional Lisa Stanners and we had ringside seats. We felt like we were at “Dancing with the Stars!”

If you’re a little shy, then the next time you’re in Montrose, make sure and stop by the studio. The big glass windows will give you a chance to see the Padillas “in action,” working with locals of varying experience levels.

You can learn more by reading the MSPA spotlight on page 22.