Vote to Protect our Children


On Election Day you will be asked to approve the recreational use of marijuana in California. Proposition 64 is poorly written, creating a lethal danger for our teenagers.

Current research shows that smoking marijuana permanently lowers the IQ of teenagers whose brains are not fully developed. Known side effects include increased paranoid schizophrenia and a permanent loss of motivation. A major flaw in Proposition 64 allows marijuana to be sold as edibles which will be very popular with teenagers.

The proponents claim that, like the sale of liquor, Proposition 64 will require buyers to be at least 21. Teenage drinking is a major problem. Legal marijuana will exacerbate that problem. In fact since voters legalized marijuana in Colorado, teenage overdose cases have increased 48%. That is a lot of pain and suffering for the families.

Proposition 64 is opposed by parents, teachers, school administrators and local law enforcement. Please join us in protecting our teenagers by voting NO on 64.

Lynn McGinnis


Editor’s Note: Mr. McGinnis is a former Rosemont Middle School teacher.




The Future is in the Hands of Voters


It’s that time to go and vote, as dedicated citizens need to do. This time we have two candidates that are distinctly “sub-par” (or sub-prime!), both deeply flawed. But the larger, long term picture is what party is best for the country … if you believe it is an either/or choice … regardless of the current candidates. One is for social tranquility and the rights of all citizens before the law. The other is for larger government, a denigration and undermining of our culture and civilization, and we will be left in darkness. Both parties are nobly intentioned, but only one is truly dangerous. Only the citizens can determine the course for the future of our nation. It is that important.

If you don’t like the direction things are going you know what to do. Vote as if your life – and the lives of your descendants and fellow citizens – depends on it!

Stuart Byles, La Crescenta



Serious Concern


The Oct. 13 meeting of the CV Town Council was informative and a friendly gathering of local citizens. The median project was discussed in detail, down to the choice of plantings.

The meeting [took a] serious tone as Laura Freidman – a current Glendale City Council member – took to the podium. As a candidate for Assembly seat 43rd District, she was invited to present her platform. She expressed a familiarity and knowledge of both our area and its citizens. The subject drifted from local matters to why Friedman supports Prop 64 – the legalization of marijuana. Basically her reason was fewer arrests would reduce the state’s jail population.

What kind of reasoning is that? Bad! My hand went up. In a calm voice I asked, “Ms. Friedman, I’m curious … Have you researched the physiological effects of cannabis on the brain?” Her answer, without hesitation was, “No.” Although Ms. Freidman has admittedly not done her research, the American Psychological Association has.

In a keynote speech at the 2014 APA annual conference the organization expressed grave concerns over the cognitive, psychological, emotional and neurobiological consequences of repeated marijuana use; especially in Adolescent, Emerging Adult and Young Adult populations (APA, Aug. 2016). Although Freidman makes the claim that Proposition 64 would decrease prison populations (as it might) she clearly has no interest in educating herself so that she might better understand the psychological and biological consequences of her position.

Some may reason … Alcohol is legal, so why not marijuana? Answer: Studies conclude the use of cannabis with alcohol increases the chance of car collisions and death among teens and young adults.

Laura Friedman states as one of her past accomplishments that shes made public safety a priority to keep streets and neighborhoods safe. Making marijuana safe does just the opposite!

Do NOT vote for Laura Friedman and vote NO on Prop. 64.

Susan Kilpatrick                                                

La Crescenta