Montrose Tree Lighting
The Montrose Shopping Park Assn. is hosting the shopping park’s annual tree lighting ceremony and White Friday events on Friday, Nov. 25. The day kicks off the holiday season and includes shopping park stores that will “white out” the sales tax on items purchased plus there will be “snow” at the intersection of Honolulu Avenue and Ocean View Boulevard in the early evening. At 7 p.m. the shopping park Christmas tree will be lit with holiday lights.
This is a free event.
‘OptOutside’ at Rosemont Preserve
For the second year, Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy is hosting an “OptOutside” event in collaboration with REI to provide folks with an alternative to the shopping frenzy that occurs the day after Thanksgiving.
Opt Outside at the Rosemont Preserve is on Friday, Nov. 25 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Enjoy the day after Thanksgiving with a walk at the Preserve!
This is a chance to visit the Preserve and wander the trail. Discover this beautiful wilderness area in the local community. Friends of the Rosemont Preserve committee members will be available to answer questions.
The Preserve is located at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. As street parking is limited, please park at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave.
This event is free to the public and suitable for all ages and no reservations required. Rain cancels event. Sorry, no pets please.
For further information contact the Friends of the Rosemont Preserve at
GCC Hosts Guest Speakers
Glendale Community College geography professor and study abroad program director Darren Leaver will present “Field-Based Experiential Learning” on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 12:20 p.m. in Kreider Hall as the recipient of the 30th annual Academic Senate Distinguished Faculty Award. The Distinguished Faculty Award is sponsored by the GCC Academic Senate. The recipient is chosen following on-campus nominations and a committee selection process. A reception will follow at 1:30 p.m. in the Student Center. Admission is free.
Leaver was hired as a full-time geography professor at GCC in 1996, which allowed him to travel more and also create travel opportunities for GCC students. He has designed, coordinated and/or run travel study programs to Indonesia, Greece, Italy, England, Nepal, Peru, Ireland, Czech Republic, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and Argentina, among others.
On Wednesday, Nov. 30, Jeremy Nocon, VP of Business Development at the Jim Henson Company, presents “Blazing Your Own Trail in the Entertainment Business” at 12:20 p.m. in the GCC auditorium as part of the Business Lecture Series.
He will discuss how he reinvented himself and became a top player in the business of entertainment.
Glendale Community College, 1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale
Open House Held For GCC Uniquely Abled Academy
An open house for the Glendale Community College Uniquely Abled Academy will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Student Center.
The Uniquely Abled Academy is a 16-week program that teaches those with high functioning autism how to be CNC (computer numerical controlled) manufacturing machinists. The program includes CNC training, job readiness skills training, job search support and post-hire support.
The open house gives access to information about the program, career possibilities, expected salaries and a chance to meet representatives from supporting agencies. There will be panel presentations, UAA Cohort 1 student demonstrations of CNC machine operations, a tour of the manufacturing shop, labs and classrooms as well of the engineering design manufacturing hub where classes will be held.
For information, go to or contact
Glendale Community College, 1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale
GUSD Seeking to Fill One SFAC Seat
Glendale Unified School District is currently soliciting applications to fill one open seat on the Superintendent’s Facility Advisory Committee (SFAC). A maximum of nine (9) community members may be appointed by the superintendent or designee to serve on the Committee.
It is a two-year commitment, with the possibility of a renewal at the end of the two years. The Committee meets twice a month on Mondays.
The SFAC is an advisory Committee on matters related to the implementation of Measure S and other Facilities projects. The purpose of the Committee is to make recommendations to the superintendent and board of education to ensure Measure S funds are utilized in a cost effective manner to provide facilities, technologies, and equipment that support the educational program as outlined in the provisions of Measure S and the District’s Strategic Plan.
Applications are now available on the GUSD website at Deadline for submitting applications is Dec. 16.