USC-VHH had its first baby born at the hospital on New Year’s Day. Her name is Lucia H. Osorno. She was born at 1:03 p.m. to adoptive parents Felipe Osorno and Ian Holloway. Lucia was 7 pounds, 7 ounces. She has a 2-year-old sister, Sofia H. Osorno. Osorno, by sheer coincidence, also happens to be a Keck Medical Center employee. He is associate administrator of performance management at the Keck Medical Center in Los Angeles.
The baby was gifted with a basket filled with generous donations from members of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce: Dream Dinners, La Crescenta – $250 gift certificate, YMCA of the Foothills – 6-month membership, Bellies, Babies & Bosoms, Montrose – baby bath, Merle Norman Cosmetics, Montrose – gift basket and gift certificates, J’s Maids, La Crescenta – one free house cleaning, Montrose Barber Shop – baby’s first haircut, Once Upon a Time Bookshop, Montrose – baby books and gift certificate, Jennifer Emery Photography – family/baby photo shoot, Sue & Mary’s Hallmark, La Crescenta – baby gifts, Diono Baby Bundle – car seat accessories.
Additionally, USC-VHH held a Facebook contest to guess the weight and time of birth before the baby came. Torie Christine O’Keeffe guessed the closest time (1:02 p.m. – only off by one minute!) and John Kruse guessed the exact weight. They won a $100 gift card courtesy of Los Gringos Locos and a $100 gift card to the Albertsons in Tujunga, respectively.