Big Week in the Nation
This week marks an important occasion in our nation’s history – the transfer of power from one President to the next. And though few would argue that things have gone smoothly thus far, perhaps we can take some comfort knowing that the current transition, while uncomfortable at best, disastrous at worst, is not an anomaly.
For example, did you know that President Andrew Johnson did not even attend the inauguration of his successor Ulysses Grant? Apparently Grant would not allow the soon-to-be Former President to ride in the carriage with him to the ceremony.
Though President Hoover agreed to ride in the same vehicle as his successor (and former good friend) Franklin D. Roosevelt, he reportedly refused to speak to him for the duration of the journey to the swearing in.
And we all remember the prank that the outgoing Clinton regime pulled on incoming George W: the staff removed most of the “Ws” from computer keyboards.
But schoolboy-type pranks are not what America is concerned about. Policy changes are expected – welcomed by some, dreaded by others – and that is what our nation’s citizens will be waiting for.
Locally, transitions are complete: Laura Friedman has taken her seat in the California State Assembly (you can read her first CV Weekly column on page 9) and state Senator Anthony Portantino made time out of his busy schedule to officiate at the swearing in of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce board of directors (read about that on page 14). Los Angeles County Supervisor – Fifth District Kathryn Barger visited the Crescenta Valley on Dec. 29 to share in some snow fun with local kids. The Crescenta Valley Town Council will also see some new faces at the table at its meeting tonight at 7 p.m. at the La Crescenta Library.
While it might be a pipe dream, it would be nice if the transitions of power on the national level were as smooth as those experienced at our local level.
And while we’re talking politics, I must take this opportunity to make the following statement that I first posted on our website on Saturday:
It has come to my attention that a candidate for Glendale City Council is distributing information that I believe misleads the reader to believe that he has the endorsement of Crescenta Valley Weekly when in fact he does not. The logo of CV Weekly was used without consent.
Crescenta Valley Weekly takes pride in being the community newspaper and a reliable news source; it is important that those who have come to rely upon CV Weekly know that our integrity and mission have not changed. Our staff looks forward to providing readers with the continued trustworthy information that we have built our reputation on.
After talking to the candidate I understand that it was an error on his part and he has reworked his campaign materials.
CV Weekly has never endorsed a candidate, though we did endorse Measure S several years ago. That is not to say that we won’t ever endorse a candidate; we just haven’t done so to date.
If things change, I’ll be sure to let you know.