“Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers” was the greatest TV show in the world when I was 3. It premiered Aug. 28, 1993. I was addicted. I had all the suits (for boys), every Dino Zord, two Mega Zords, the Green Ranger’s Knife, the Red Ranger’s Sword Gun, a Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger stuffed three foot doll, a Red Ranger Helmet, a White Ranger uniform (from the movie), a can of Ivan’s Ooze and, of course, I was a full, card carrying member of the Fan Club. I attended karate class once a week because of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and flowing into my love of the Rangers. I had a toy morpher that lit up and I would activate it and say, “It’s Morphin’ Time!” when I changed my clothes. I was a man obsessed with Power Rangers.
The fighting, the dinosaurs (the original cast of six actually only had three dinosaur emblems, with two ice age mammals and one fictional sea monster, and I was not very popular in school because all my friends just called them ALL dinosaurs and I always corrected them), the Zords, the villains, the girls, the powers- everything. Even down to
the theme song – it is the greatest guitar riff of all time. And now, 17 years later, I have the Power Ranger’s theme song as a ringtone on my smartphone, but that is about all I have left as a connection to that show other than fond memories and the occasional Hot Topic T-shirt or belt buckle. But no longer.
For all of us who have grown up watching any one of the Ranger’s 17 incarnations and series, we always feel the pull when we hear, “It’s Morphin’ Time!” And Power Morphicon is the Rangers Headquarters that we will all be pulled to.
The second annual convention, held at the Pasadena Convention Center, is in celebration of 17 years of Power Rangers on the air, and the 15th anniversary of the Power Rangers Movie. There will be panels, fan gatherings, merchandise, collectibles, exhibitors, and, most of all, fans young and old who come out to mingle among the other fanboys as we reminisce about the series, and its several incarnations that followed. We can remember when Tommy turned bad and had to spar with Jason. We can remember the first time most of us had ever seen a thong workout suit when Kimberly was hanging out at the gym. And we can remember how the Rangers made us feel, and made us want to be better people because of how awesome they were.
Join me at Power Morphicon Aug. 27 to Aug. 29 at
the Pasadena Convention Center. To all the fans still
out there – grab your old suit, dust off the mask, and strap the Green Ranger’s knife
to your belt – “It’s Morphin’ Time!”