The Los Angeles CD7 election is over and the district’s new representative is Monica Rodriguez. Ms. Rodriguez has not held public office before but has government experience in staff and appointed positions, most recently as a member of the Los Angeles Board of Public Works, the only city commission with full-time salaries. She also has private sector experience with the California Association of Realtors. Charter Amendment 1, passed in March 2015, shifted city and LAUSD elections to even-numbered years beginning in 2020. That means officials elected in 2017 won special five-and-a-half year terms ending in 2022. Voter turnout had been so low the voters in Los Angeles consolidated their election cycle with the state and national schedule in the hopes of improving it. Elections will be held in June of even years to coincide with the state and national primary. Runoffs, if needed, will be added to the general election ballot in November. It will be interesting to see if this change results in a higher voter turnout in the city and school district races.

La Cañada Flintridge may be facing another election for a sad reason. Longtime Councilmember Dave Spence, who was reelected in March, passed away this month. It’s a shame the consistent opponent of the 710 Freeway extension didn’t live long enough to see the project go unfunded.

Sharon Weisman is a founding member of the CVCA. She can be reached at

CVCA was particularly happy with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority vote to not fund the massive, expensive 710 Freeway extension tunnel that would not improve traffic and would reduce air quality. I now hope the proponents of the rejected project can work with everyone who supports the Transportation Systems Management/ Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) alternative, a series of local surface street improvements such as synchronized signals, intersection modifications, and incentives to carpool and use public transportation. The Metro board allocated roughly $700 million (a fraction of what the tunnel would ultimately cost) originally slated for the 710 tunnel to these projects that can be completed much sooner than a tunnel could be built. Metro staff will work with all the cities along the 710 corridor to identify specifics. The board expects a report in 90 days. I really hope this long festering issue is finally resolved and tax money will flow to projects that improve transportation for residents.

It’s budget time for public agencies whose fiscal years run July 1 – June 30. Where our precious tax money will be spent next year is being determined in the next few weeks. Glendale had budget study sessions for the City Council and public at 10 a.m. on May 2, 9, and 16. You can review the meetings from the city’s website if you didn’t attend or watch them, Scroll down to the Archives section for the videos.

The tentative budget will be presented at the June 6 City Council meeting with a public hearing. This is your chance to comment and make recommendations to your elected representatives. The budget document will be posted with the meeting agenda on Friday, June 3 so you have a few days to study it and prepare remarks. Council is expected to vote on the budget at its June 13 meeting.

AT&T has submitted a new proposal for a Wireless Telecommunications Facility in Dunsmore Park. Rather than pursuing an appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of the original proposed location in the park they are proposing to remove and replace an existing 70-foot high light pole for the purpose of attaching six, eight-feet high “flush mounted” panel antennas and other equipment. Also, ancillary equipment cabinets are proposed to be located in the vacated recycling area. If you are concerned about the public losing access to a part of the park and want to work with CVCA on this issue, please email member Mary-Lynne Fisher at

The next Crescenta Valley Community Association meeting will be June 22 starting at 7 p.m. in the community room at the La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd. Park in the upper lot accessed from La Crescenta Avenue. We will have updates on these and other local issues. Our meetings are free and open to the public.