Love It … or Settle Elsewhere
I want to comment on the article in the July 20 issue “Survey Asks: Does Community Want to See the Light?”
I feel if people want more or different lighting and a more urban feel as opposed to the rural atmosphere, which is rare and which we are privileged to enjoy, then they should buy property elsewhere! There are many areas with sidewalks and lighting from which to choose. Additionally, if newcomers are apprehensive of the wildlife that shares their habitat with us humans then, again, they should settle elsewhere.
When I no longer wish to live in this beautiful and unique community, I shall move! I would not ask for it to be changed.
Eleanor Wacker
La Crescenta
Advocates Against Passage of SB 649
If you’re worried about a new cell tower unexpectedly popping up in your Crescenta Valley neighborhood, you need to keep your eye on California Senate Bill 649. SB 649 would give telecommunications companies like AT&T the right to place cell transmitters – ranging in size from a pizza box to a small refrigerator – on municipal utility poles, street lights and traffic signals wherever they want. Local governments would no longer have any oversight or control. And the telecommunications companies would only pay a maximum of $250 to lease the space for a small cell. According to the LA Times, “the industry anticipates installing 30,000 to 50,000 small cells in the next few years”!
Currently SB 649 has passed the California State Senate and is in committee in the state House. Contact your state representative to vote NO! on SB 649 and network with your neighbors – we have to make sure SB 649 doesn’t become law.
Marilyn Tyler
La Crescenta
Where’s the Vision?
Oh, Glendale City Council, you break my heart. Now you want to sound off about global climate change. Please take care of your own backyard first ¬– your on again, off again total lack of vision concerning grass versus drought-tolerant plants in Montrose.
What gives, folks?
Your plan lacked vision and sound horticultural wisdom. Who plants in July? Both plantings were in July.
Please explain your total flip-flop. Get the local issues right first. We should always manage our water better and the city council doesn’t have a clue.
You owe this community an explanation.
Waiting …
Will Gunnell
Marijuana in Glendale
The City of Glendale has asked its citizens to suggest how the City should spend the anticipated revenue windfall from the sale of newly legalized marijuana in Glendale. Many pro-marijuana residents have grand and glorious ideas on how the City should spend the marijuana windfall. Sadly, no one is looking out for our teenagers.
I’m asking the City to make a significant percentage of the new marijuana revenue available to the school district to develop strategies, plans and programs to support the students who will fall into the marijuana trap.
The University of Washington reports that marijuana usage in teenagers impairs memory, attention and the ability to think, clearly making it difficult to concentrate, learn new things and make sound decisions. This results in poor school performance, increased absenteeism, and an increased risk of dropping out. Loyola of Chicago University reminds us that the brain does not fully develop until 24 and teenagers are two to four times more likely to become marijuana-dependent. In fact, they report that marijuana is the leading addiction of teenagers in rehab.
Please join me in going to the City of Glendale website and asking our City fathers to make significant funds available to the school district as they prepare to deal with the increased marijuana problems that will surely impact our schools.
Lynn McGinnis, retired teacher