From the Desk of the Publisher

Recognizing The Finest

Pancake breakfasts, wine tastings, holiday boutiques – there are many fine opportunities for supporting local nonprofits.

For example, the CVTC pancake breakfast was Sept. 16; Rosemont Middle School is hosting its own on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the school (which includes performances by the school’s various musical ensembles) and next week, on Oct. 7, Fremont Elementary School will be having its annual pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

For more adult fare, tickets are on sale for the first Montrose Shopping Park Assn. holiday wine walk on Nov. 4.

Prom Plus is planning its holiday boutique, which is going to be held at the CV Park community center and courtyard, on Nov. 11. Being Veterans Day, prior to the doors opening at 10 a.m., a brief service commemorating our veterans will be held in the courtyard.

And I’m sure that as the weeks progress more chances will be presented to have a good time with friends and neighbors while supporting noteworthy causes.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

Because we live in a fine community. We have fine organizations, fine people and fine businesses. If we didn’t, these nonprofits wouldn’t host any of these grand events; after all, why throw a party if no one is going to come?

But we do live in a great place, a fine place, and this week, in this paper, on page 14 you will find a list of those recognized as The Finest by readers of CV Weekly. And don’t worry about needing to tear out the list and affixing it to your refrigerator with a magnet. Also in this paper you will find a copy of our annual magazine, The Finest. As you can probably guess, The Finest includes a complete list of all those recognized by our readers as the best in our community in addition to highlighting those organizations, businesses and people who trumpet their award.

These folks should trumpet their award; CV Weekly waded through more than 9,000 votes to arrive at the winners. Yes – over 9,000. Obviously I had to hire extra help to tally all the ballots, but it was worth it. Because, like you, I want to know who and what my friends and neighbors think are the finest – especially when I’m searching for a trained mechanic, or delicious Mexican food, or any number of other businesses and services that make my life easier.

And I’m fortunate that I get that chance to gather that information and share it with you.

So take a minute and celebrate with the CV Weekly staff (who I think is the finest) and me those who are a cut above, the cream of the crop – The Finest.