Prop 64 is a smoke screen

Last week (Jan. 7) the CV Weekly reported that state officials project that about one-third of marijuana users will buy their drug illegally from an estimated $2 billion black market this year. It is well known that teenagers buy their marijuana off the black market.

This week state officials announced that a glitch has delayed the implementation of the state marijuana tracking system until later this year. This state computer system is supposed to track California marijuana from seed to storefront and provide data to help reduce teenage use of marijuana.

The long-term negative health effects of teenage marijuana use are well known. The voters ignored these facts and chose to rely on the promises of Prop 64. The state has failed to provide the tools to implement the promises in Prop 64.

As a result, families will take a hit and state officials will turn to the public schools to manage the crisis.

Some things never change.

Lynn McGinnis