Cheers for CVWD
I would like to commend the CVWD for its recent letter (Letters to the Editor, March 8) to our elected officials in Sacramento opposing the proposed funding for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund SB 623.
The majority of funding for this bill will be generated from a permanent assessment on the urban water taxpayers to burden the cost of upgrading the water quality throughout the state of California. Although we all want clean and safe drinking water, the proposed funding solution of adding a permanent assessment (tax) on the urban water user is unfair.
We are already paying for our district to meet high water standards in our bi-monthly rates. Now we are asked to pay a water tax to upgrade water quality of others?
In my opinion, and as the CVWD stated, there are many factors why others do not meet water quality standards. I think the legislature needs to re-assess the funding for this project and find a fair and equitable means to achieve its goals.
Please do not ask me, an urban water user who is and has been paying higher rates for water quality, to incur an additional tax to improve the water quality throughout the state. I am retired and cannot pay double as Iām being taxed out of California.
I suggest that you read the letter to the editor referenced above and, should you agree, notify your elected representatives:
Senator Anthony Portantino email:
Assembly Member Laura Friedman email:
Jonas Williams
La Crescenta