NEWS FROM The CVTC » Harry Leon

March Madness Leads to April Showers (Lots of Wonderful Activities!)


The CV Chamber of Commerce held its annual fundraiser Smart-a-Thon on March 7 and the Crescenta Valley Town Council once again sent Councilmembers Lisa Griffin, Mariam Barnes, Desiree Portillo-Rabinov and me to compete as a team. It was great to mix, mingle and compete against dozens of other teams. Treasurer Kyle Studebaker and I also took part in bingo benefitting the Chamber.

On March 13, Corresponding Secretary Sophal Ear and I oversaw a GUSD-organized community meeting to discuss campus safety with a panel composed of Superintendent Winfred B. Roberson Jr., Capt. Chris Blasnek of the CV Sheriff’s Station, and Captain Tim Feeley of the Glendale Police Dept. It was our first community meeting to discuss campus safety and GUSD appreciated our community’s thought-provoking questions.

Sophal and I took part in CV High School’s safe and respectful student-organized walkouts on March 14 from 10 a.m. to
10:17 a.m. As reported later by GUSD, the walkout activities were well-organized and conducted in a manner that respected all views – whether or not our students chose to participate. All students were safe and those who participated returned to class promptly following the walkouts so regular instruction could continue as planned.

On March 24, Vice-President Mike Claessens, Desiree, and I joined Assemblymember Laura Friedman for coffee and conversation in La Crescenta. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear a report from the Assemblymember and for us to share our community’s thoughts on the issues affecting us and our state.

In other news, having considered several candidates’ backgrounds, the Town Council recommended Karen Buehler’s nomination to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Advisory Board. Her nomination is now with the office of Supervisor Kathryn Barger.

Speaking of Supervisor Barger, she recently participated in a panel at the North Los Angeles Regional Center discussing health care, disability services, affordable housing, transportation and many other important issues. She joined Assemblymembers Chris Holden and Adrin Nazarian and Los Angeles City Councilmembers Mitch Englander and Bob Blumenfield. The evening prior, she joined Metro Los Angeles for a telephone town hall to discuss its $6.6 billion budget.

Looking forward, we are still working on the planters for new trees to replace the ones felled from inclement weather at Two Strike Park last year. I will report again when there is progress.

Yesterday, April 11, at 7 p.m. at the La Crescenta Library, our community forum with GUSD updated (as of press time) residents and parents about the schools in the Crescenta Valley, unincorporated area of the County of Los Angeles, and its various programs: PTA, Flag Program, After School Program, School Safety, Sagebrush, and more.

The CV Youth Council will be hosting a Young Women’s Empowerment event on April 25 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the La Crescenta Library. The event is designed to empower young women to become the next leaders.There will be five speakers who are powerful women. They will share their remarkable stories of their successes that will be a testimony for young women to believe in their potential to become community changers and world impactors.

As this is Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month, join Sophal, whose day job is associate professor of Diplomacy & World Affairs at Occidental College, as one of two guests speaking at the La Crescenta Library on “Remembrance: Genocide Awareness & Prevention” on Saturday, April 28 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to recognize the past, remember, and protect the future. Sophal will share his family’s experience with the Khmer Rouge regime that took his father’s life and is the cause of a still missing brother. We honor the memory of the lives lost and remember the Armenian Genocide this month at our Town Council meeting on April 19 in the La Crescenta Library at 7 p.m.

On Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day (April 27), the Town Council, with Arroyos & Foothill Conservancy and Friends of The Rosemont Preserve, are opening the gates to the Preserve on Sunday, April 29 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to share and celebrate the restored, natural habitat and park space available to the community. Enjoy the outdoors with a special focus on trail activities for families. It will be a great opportunity to learn about local plants, animals and local Native American heritage. Spring has sprung and the wildflowers are here! Meet your local councilmembers, community leaders, volunteers and agency representatives and learn about preserving our precious resources and the importance of securing and maintaining public parks and open space in sustaining our habitat. The Preserve is located at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. As street parking is limited, please park at Two Strike Park (5107 Rosemont Ave.). Please wear sturdy shoes if you plan on walking the trail. Light refreshments will be served. This event is free to the public and suitable for all ages. Rain cancels the event. Sorry, no pets, please.

Also, on April 19 Mr. Benkin Jong, Metro project manager and Caltrans representative, will provide a timeline update on the sound wall program implementation process and the outreach plan to inform residents when the project will be initiated.

As always, I look forward to seeing you at our April 19 general meeting starting at 7 p.m. in the community room of the La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd.

Harry Leon is the president of the Crescenta Valley
Town Council.